Example sentences of "on [art] role [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The paper also reports on the role of the police , talks to people who make a living out of trivia question machines and has an exclusive interview with Lenny Henry , in which he reveals his top jokes .
2 These two groups agree on rejecting many economic policy prescriptions of the ‘ wets ’ but disagree on the role of the state .
3 An equally explicit consequence of the emphasis on the role of the state has been the number of prestige projects associated with the promotion of the individual personality of the head of state .
4 There 's the opportunity to take a cookery course as an add-on , and Sue 's first students have requested another course this year on the role of the evening meal .
5 And if we are going to have a post mortem on the role of the telly , what of the press — the tabloids especially ?
6 Their study in Aberdeen University into The Planning and Organisation of Primary Education in Rural Areas of the North of Scotland will report in 1981 on the role of the primary school in sustaining communities , its impact in the community and on possible policy developments and strategies in education towards maintaining viable rural environments .
7 the effect financial devolution has on the role of the teacher ;
8 The effect of devolution on the role of the teacher
9 A very important feature of the folkeskole is the emphasis placed on the role of the class teacher , who is the major link between the school , pupils and parents .
10 Possibly the feeling for the hot French south is less marked ; there may be shade less stress on the role of the model in a work of art .
11 This year we focus on the role of the Church in the renewal of society .
12 The format of the day was : morning session — a lecture on the forensic accountant as an expert witness in civil litigation , focusing on the preparation of the expert 's report and its aims and objectives , followed by a mock trial of a civil case ; afternoon session — a lecture on the role of the forensic accountant in criminal proceedings , focusing on the importance of the accountant in the investigative stage of the proceedings and the preparation of the expert 's report , followed by a mock trial of a criminal case .
13 Mrs Frizzell found it impossible to forgive Mrs Dawson 's becoming a widow the same week as her party ; a history of Mrs Dawson one night , and the remarks the following night of the lady secretary of the United Nations ' Society on the role of the Canadian peacekeeping force in Cyprus , had meant that for the first time in years no report of Mrs Frizzell 's party appeared , though room had been found for a report on one of Mrs Murphy 's receptions .
14 In the past , the discussion on the role of the state in public communication has been bedevilled by the East-West conflict .
15 The debate on the role of the state has largely ignored the fact that state means more than government .
16 It was striking for its insistence on the role of the Holy Spirit , but equally remarkable for its firmly identifying the Roman Catholic Church with the body of Christ .
17 The following chapter on the role of the National Viewers ' and Listeners ' Association ( NVALA ) in the 1960s , and the following case studies , will consider evidence which casts doubt on this order of priority .
18 Sartre 's stress on the role of the subject also finds approval because many of those no longer prepared to argue for a general theory of history as the progress of a single narrative of class-struggle , have begun to argue instead for a return of its correlative , the subject , almost as if it was the next best thing in the absence of history itself .
19 As the first president of the faculty of community medicine ( now public health medicine ) his view on the role of the specialty remains pertinent — with ‘ specialists equally skilled in administration and epidemiology and with a broad view of social medicine and its research ’ we should have the chance of making the NHS more effective and efficient .
20 His view on the role of the state in the fulfilment of individual personality and his related theory of rights seems greatly indebted to T. H. Green .
21 Taking a break from discussions on the role of the media in the Gulf War are ( from left to right ) : Rev Randy Naylor ( Canada ) , Midori Suzuki ( Japan ) , Rev James Massey ( India ) , Pradip Thomas ( WACC 's Asia Region coordinator ) , Kevin Engel ( Australia ) and Rev Carlos A Valle ( WACC 's general secretary ) .
22 A team will be formed to monitor daily media content , and monthly lectures on the role of the media in society will be held to raise social awareness of the media .
23 The next issue of WACC 's quarterly journal Media Development will carry several articles on the role of the media in the Yugoslav conflict .
24 For example , over ‘ 150 million was paid out to investors in the failed Barlow Clowes investment group after an adverse report by the Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration on the role of the Department of Trade in the affair .
25 Seats in the new national assembly could be left vacant for north Korean representatives , should the latter subsequently be elected on an acceptable basis ; the United States held that it was vitally important that the Soviet Union should not exercise a veto on the role of the UN in Korea .
26 Modern discussion of the issue has normally centred on the role of the Woodvilles , who are identified as the cause of a split within the ruling group which lay at the root of the crisis .
27 It is not entirely fanciful to see in de Gaulle — trained as an officer and renowned as ‘ le general ’ — and Mitterrand — a lawyer by training and sometime political director of Le Courrier de la Nièvre 's — the champions of two opposing views in the traditional statist versus liberal debate on the role of the media .
28 The third suggestion seizes on the role of the conscious observer to provide the resolution of our difficulty .
29 Generally speaking , female workers are less likely to undertake traditional forms of industrial action , and this may have a growing impact on the role of the labour movement in future decades .
30 The most graphic statement of the dual role , though some would call it an overstatement ( e.g. Pearce , 1982 ) , is that given by the National Association of Head Teachers ( NAHT ) in response to a document on the role of the advisory service issued by the Society of Education Officers and the National Association of Inspectors and Educational Advisers :
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