Example sentences of "with his eyes [vb pp] on " in BNC.

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1 He stood quite still now , watching her , and she did n't feel quite so bold with his eyes narrowed on her intently , suspicious but interested .
2 He sat with his eyes fixed on great breakers rolling on a coral atoll somewhere in the immense Pacific .
3 Show respect , ’ said Garvey to Lucie , who was leaning against the corner strut of the stage with his eyes fixed on the far horizon .
4 He stopped again by the pavilion and , with his eyes fixed on Gabriel and a demented grin on his pock-marked face , rent the golden cloth from bottom to top .
5 Then , with his eyes fixed on hers , in the light that was shining through to the bed , he gently let the material of her only covering fall down to below her waist .
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