Example sentences of "that she is [adv] longer " in BNC.

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1 The only physical change should be that she is no longer able to have children .
2 A time will come when you will know that she is no longer saying to herself , ‘ If I ca n't have him , I do n't want anything ’ .
3 Since she was capable of loving so deeply , she can still , if she chooses , remain in the business of giving and receiving love for as long as she lives , for although she may feel that she is no longer everything to anyone , she can still mean a great deal to a number of people .
4 If , however , your parent is so seriously ill physically or mentally that she is no longer capable of dealing with her own financial affairs at any level , arrangements can be made by her solicitor for these to be dealt with by a government department known as the Court of Protection , and you should discuss this matter with the solicitor .
5 It cuts the ground from under her , and depresses her , at a time when she is fully aware that she is no longer sexually desirable , but is trying to build a new and satisfying image as an elegant , wise , elderly woman who is still interesting as a person .
6 And while Monika has been told unofficially that she is no longer welcome as a teacher of religious studies at St Thomas More School , Bedford , Father O' Neill continues to enjoy the protection of the church as a practising priest .
7 Steffi is happy though that she is no longer the flavour of the moment for the more inquisitive press .
8 But the addition of paid work to the housewife 's activities does not mean that she is no longer a housewife .
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