Example sentences of "that she have [be] unable " in BNC.

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1 One girl said that she had been unable to breathe , and was only able to do so when she covered her face with a pillow .
2 ‘ He deserves a proper thrashing , ’ Cissie protested , fiercely indignant that she had been unable to defend herself while her cowardly brother took delight in whipping her .
3 Two Cellophane-wrapped sprays that she had been unable to deliver were lying on the bouquet of roses she had prepared for her rival .
4 Mrs Hawkins reported that she had been unable to take photos at this location as she had first to finish off a slide film , but will soon be in a position to take the required photos and also others to be displayed at the A.G.M. and then stored in the village archives .
5 At the weekend she had visited her parents ' home and spent some time with her sister , Jennifer , but she had found that she had been unable to tell them about David Markham .
6 She glanced up at the ceiling once , as if in appreciation of the solution to a tough puzzle that she 'd been unable to crack without help ; the tile was still stuck in the open position , and Charlie was in no state to clamber up there and fix it .
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