Example sentences of "that they have already [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But then we made a sort of left turn with ‘ Tusk ’ , which dumbfounded a lot of people , not just the record company who obviously wanted the market , but a certain amount of the public who were expecting something that they 'd already labelled and were comfortable with .
2 Oh to get your bargains oh yes they would n't , there were n't really good fridges in those days , there was co col cold rooms but erm they would be glad to get rid of the meat that they 'd already got cut up you see , and the barker , they used to call them the barkers , standing outside you see and get your fresh meat and so on , so on , so on , so you know and er to get the custom in you see , oh there was real competition between the barkers and there were barkers standing in road .
3 Unmanned , they float about like driftwood , secure in the knowledge that they 've already lost .
4 So that we have got a disk which we can put into the machines down there in the computer room , a whole lot of transcriptions that they 've already made .
5 Erm , the , I first tell people what to do because they all know their roles , and when you go in in the morning , and you 're just basically going round checking that they 've already done it all .
6 Again depending on what they 've currently got cos again we 've got to dove-tail this plan into any current arrangements that they 've already got .
7 The agents dealing with the sale of the mill say that they 've already had inquiries about the site , for a number of uses .
8 It is clear that they had already formulated their ideas and been moving towards confirming them , but the definite proof still awaited the energy sensitive neutron spectrometer .
9 Originally intended to have taken the form of a binding Convention , it was watered down to a " Statement " as a result of concerted lobbying by a number of timber-exporting countries , led by Malaysia , which viewed it as an attack on sovereignty , and accused northern countries of hypocrisy , given the fact that they had already destroyed all but a tiny fraction of their own virgin forests .
10 A motion which would have specifically committed ] the party against fusion was not put on the chairman 's decision ; the diehards accepted this ruling without demur , no doubt because they felt that they had already made their point .
11 The overwhelming majority of Serbs , who accounted for some 31 per cent of the population , boycotted the referendum on the grounds that they had already made clear their preference in local referendums for Bosnia-Hercegovina remaining within Yugoslavia .
12 The Head of Department said that they had already started to implement the recommendations to them .
13 It was rumoured that they had already burned farms in other villages , so their mere presence filled the Fontanellatesi with terror .
14 Occasionally it is explained that they had already died — and given the still short life-expectancy of the period this must have been so in many cases .
15 But it was not helped by such petty interferences with ordinary life as a decree of 1781 which forbade young men under the age of twenty-eight to travel abroad , or another of 1789 which forbade the granting of a marriage licence to peasant couples unless they could prove that they had already enriched the state by planting a number of fruit trees .
16 He looked around and saw a great many faces all wearing the same expression , an expression stating that they were never going to be surprised by anything in history and that they had already had every thought that was ever going to be in his head .
17 Dicke and Peebles were preparing to look for this radiation when Penzias and Wilson heard about their work and realized that they had already found it .
18 They reckoned that they had already entered into their reign with Christ : they were already rich already filled with the powers of the Age to Come ( 1 Cor 4:8 ) Paul comes down immediately like a ton of bricks on this attitude which regards the Spirit as a medium of religious experience or an embodiment of supernatural power , rather than as the vocation to and equipment for the role of the Servant .
19 She looked up , startled to find that they had already arrived at the top floor , and were now walking down the corridor towards her apartment .
20 It meant that they had already discussed the problem at length and decided what line to take .
21 The experiment in which people inflicted electric shocks on subjects who were actually actors is known to all psychology students , and even journalology has an important study that depended on deception : editors had papers that they had already published resubmitted to them with the titles and addresses changed and then rejected most of them — providing evidence , the researchers argued , that editors and referees were biased against authors from provincial universities .
22 It appeared that they had already approached Boeing on this matter and had tried to induce another key employee to join them .
23 The tripartite resistance , insisting that they had already compromised , demanded that the State of Cambodia regime ( the Phnom Penh government ) must now accept the choice of Prince Norodom Sihanouk as chair of the SNC .
24 The sellers were therefore able to recover that item ( or , actually its value ) on the grounds that they had already puported to terminate the contract with the buyers ; however , it is not difficult to imagine cases where a difference of one day could be crucial and defeat the sellers ' claim .
25 In the case he quotes it was decided not to use alternative software , and other users should ensure that they have already exhausted the possibilities of improving the performance of their present software before they turn to other sources .
26 ‘ They had regard for the previous exemplary record of West Ham and the fact that they have already taken action against their players concerned , ’ Kelly added .
27 That does mean that they have already had a very difficult exercise in terms of looking at an , an efficiency effectiveness distribution of funding and how they manage the service , and that 's very much tied in with the children 's services plan , which Mike referred to earlier on , and which is later on the agenda .
28 The allies calculate that they have already dropped on Iraqi targets about one-quarter of the total tonnage of bombs dropped on Germany in the whole of the second world war , and destroyed one-third of Iraq 's tanks and artillery in Kuwait .
29 They have shown a stubborn reluctance to take that course so far , which leads to the belief that they have already promised the job elsewhere .
30 They also told me that they have already held several long meetings .
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