Example sentences of "that he had lost [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Rab thought of Winnie in the room , his worry , her money , their run to London , that he had lost her .
2 He only knew that he had lost her , and she might be the liar , cheat and whore he thought she was , or the injured innocent she claimed to be — he did not care which , for whatever she was she had taken his life and his hopes with her .
3 Gary again started to pray about YWAM as he recognised that he had lost something — perhaps his original vision was wrong .
4 He fell to his knees , buried his head in the grass , feeling that he had lost his chance in that moment .
5 And it was during this time that he had lost his wife , lost his job , lost his sense of himself as a separate human soul , and in struggle worked out the theory that he was nothing but a sick character in the hands or under the pen of a malevolent Author .
6 He was an impetuous , but not naturally a brave , man and explained that he had lost his audacity through the brutality of an early schoolmaster .
7 I told her no messages had been sent and suggested that if Uncle was a businessman — I thought it better not to mention that we already knew he was a multi-millionaire businessman — he might naturally tend to be secretive and that he might also be reluctant to broadcast the fact that he had lost his yacht through what might have been his own fault .
8 At dinner , too , he kept quiet about it , simply telling Beverley that he had lost his way in the mist .
9 The National Party leader , Charles Blunt , also resigned in the aftermath of the election defeat , announcing his decision on April 6 when it became clear that he had lost his seat in the federal parliament .
10 ‘ Well , ’ Robert went on , aware that he had lost his audience , ‘ someone called Abu Quata …
11 She bit her lip , remembering that awful time when the news had come that he had lost his life in the fire that had demolished his holiday hotel — and how the tragedy , for her , had turned into a nightmare .
12 He requested the judge to give Adams credit for having pleaded guilty , together with the fact that he had lost his job and because his marriage had broken up .
13 Brutus says that Caesar 's feelings have never moved him so much that he had lost his sense of reason .
14 Then one night he came home to inform them that he had lost his job .
15 But the ex-President , still affectionately known as ‘ The Gipper ’ after one of his old film roles , proved that he had lost none of his old style and sense of humour .
16 In the short time I talked with him , I saw that he had lost none of his character .
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