Example sentences of "that he do n't need " in BNC.

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1 Svidrigailov 's answer , when Raskolnikov asks him Shy do n't you see a doctor ? ’ is that he does n't need to be told he 's ill .
2 After an argument about the beast 's form , Jack realises that he does n't need rules to be aggressive towards people who break them , he can attack people when he wants now .
3 Well , oh yes , but that 's , that 's for his phone so that he does n't need a he does n't need hands so he can hold the steering wheel when he answers the phone .
4 ‘ Dusty was such a wonderful kicker that he did n't need to employ it .
5 It was n't long after the conversation about the Ivor Novello Award that he became much more resolved that he did n't need Ken Pitt as manager , so I said to him that the only thing he could do in that case was to get an attorney who would break the contract .
6 After a few years he was able to believe that guilt itself was an indulgence , that he did n't need to suffer it unless he chose .
7 ‘ My first impression of Mellor was that he did n't need to put his hand in his pocket .
8 Still , he had been treated fairly in Ballyjamesduff , so that he did n't need to go seeking his next bite before breakfast .
9 They repeated that he did n't need anything else because he would be back in the afternoon , which more than anything else they could have said made me wonder if we would ever see him again .
10 He had driven up to collect his superior from the Carabinieri post where he and his rescuers had returned as soon as Zen had recovered enough to assure the sergeant that he did n't need to call an ambulance .
11 The tragedy is that he did n't need any ; he had more than enough kudos of his own from his motor racing , ’ she said sadly , ‘ but that 's the way he thought . ’
12 Oh yes , they 're very , very clever so Doug was saying to me one day in work , walking dogs together in Wellington , he said I had this fellow yesterday , he just convinced a board that he did n't need any more treatment , he was cured erm , he would n't do any more
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