Example sentences of "that [pers pn] 'd [verb] his " in BNC.

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1 It was n't until after she 'd left that she 'd noticed his name on the football reports .
2 Did he know that she 'd revealed his habit of farting as he came , or that I had once worn his pyjamas while she blew me ?
3 My apologies , ’ she grinned , aware that she 'd wounded his massive ego .
4 In contrast to the crescendo of fury from Downes , Morse 's voice was very quiet indeed , and beside him WPC Wright was not absolutely sure that she 'd transcribed his words with total accuracy .
5 To find that she 'd pinched his windpipe shut .
6 There was no denying that she 'd caught his interest .
7 The hire desk made a phonecall on the first credit card that he offered , and then told him that he 'd exceeded his limit and they could n't take the charge .
8 It was Nicolo who was obsessed , so obsessed that he 'd insisted his only reason for urging her to give up her job and stay here was so she could help his grandmother get well .
9 She swam and sunbathed , went sightseeing , worked on her designs , talked brightly on the phone with Lucy , or Dad or Charles whenever they rang her , forcing herself not to ask whether Guy had moved in on the firm yet , and then wincing when Lucy said that he 'd made his mark in a dramatic emergency board meeting , put up the backs of most of the board of directors when he announced sweeping measures to increase profitability , cut overheads …
10 A regular in wellington boots plastered with cow dung ordered a pint , took off his overcoat and hung it up , unaware that he 'd lost his trousers somewhere en route .
11 Today he made a humiliating climb down in the Commons and demonstrated that he 'd lost his political touch — that he did n't realise how upset the voters would be if he put 30,000 — going on 100,000 — people out of work .
12 In the meantime , in the Paris suburb of Montfermeil , the mayor refused to register children of immigrant descent in his town 's primary school , declaring that he 'd filled his quota of foreign children .
13 She was unable to believe that his tongue was unruly or that he 'd meant his earlier remarks to be at all humorous .
14 After an eight month investigation , Gloucestershire police came to the conclusion that he 'd taken his own life .
15 But the mere fact that he 'd left his own bed to come and check on her made her feel warm and cherished and oddly weepy .
16 ‘ A friend of yours called Bunny rang last night and told you not to forget that you 're playing at Christopher 's place this morning , ’ said Doogie , then nodded to himself , pleased that he 'd remembered his lines .
17 The man had known his death was imminent , which suggested that he 'd known his murderer too .
18 And he was the only lecturer who would admit that he 'd changed his mind about something since the last lecture , and that made a great impression on me .
19 Only he and Mallachy knew about it , and sometimes he regretted that he 'd told his friend .
20 Suddenly she remembered Travis 's horrified ‘ Lord , no ! ’ when she 'd suggested that he 'd told his mother about Rosemary , and something else struck her .
21 Dersingham had added that he 'd had his whisky at ten-thirty and gone up half an hour later .
22 She turned to the window , a deliberate shutting out , praying he would go now that he 'd had his say .
23 Her mouth tight , she hurried into the cottage and slammed the door , but that one brief glance had been more than enough for her to take in the fact that he 'd removed his shirt as though quite impervious to the chill wind that made everyone else shiver , and was digging over the colonel 's vegetable patch with an economy of movement that she might have admired if it had been anyone else but him .
24 Without wasting time , she managed to close the door , having noticed that he 'd removed his foot the minute he 'd become a little uncomfortable .
25 Ken Ward gave orders to bale out saying how sorry he was that he 'd got his crew into this mess !
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