Example sentences of "that [noun prp] [noun] die [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It is terrible that Alison O'Shaughnessy died in such a brutal way and her family has our heartfelt sympathy .
2 It seems natural to assume that Mecdi means that Fahreddin Acemi died in 870 , and some relatively early evidence for this date is found in two of the manuscripts of the Anonymous Chronicle ( Uruc ) .
3 A post-mortem examination revealed that Sgt Forth died from multiple injuries .
4 So cold was the weather that Sergeant Phillips died of hypothermia on only the second night .
5 After what we saw and felt last night , we can not be surprised that Sir Charles died of fright .
6 A statement from Cleveland Police said : ‘ Following inquiries , it is now believed that Mr MacDonald died of natural causes . ’
7 Mr Sheffield accepted a pathologist 's report that Mr Owens died of shock due to massive abdominal haemorrhage .
8 He recorded a verdict that Mr Crossthwaite died of a prescribed disease .
9 ‘ DID YOU know , ’ enquires Anthony Newley , by way of an ice-breaker , ‘ that Leonard Rossiter died in this dressing-room ?
10 There can be no doubt , therefore , that whether they are correct or not , Ibn Hajar and the sources which follow him believe that Molla Fenari died in Rajab 834 .
11 The autopsy report stated that Agit Salman died of a heart attack .
12 ‘ First the Law Lords allowed a breach of the Homicide Act so that Tony Bland died by involuntary euthanasia , then a Select Committee on euthanasia was set up in their Lordships ' House , only to be rechristened ‘ Medical Ethics ’ .
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