Example sentences of "that [pers pn] [modal v] stay [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She explained that I could stay at Heenan House until I could find somewhere suitable to live .
2 not really feeling the need for a conversation , wishing only that I could stay on this bench with him forever .
3 As she looked again at the faces of her family she was ready to burst into tears and almost did so but Erika , moving lightly into the kitchen , said : ‘ Fräulein Silber thinks that I should stay with her next week . ’
4 Annette spent the intervening time with her son who had been made as comfortable as possible and she told him that she would stay with him until he went for the operation and would then go home but would return first thing in the morning .
5 Maureen as an ambulance driver and Pat as a rescue man were badly needed , but Anne 's firewatching at a large store was less essential and it was decided that she would stay with her mother .
6 She had announced that she would stay in Paris until October , but by October she was looking for a new place to rent , now deeply involved with Modi and unable to leave .
7 A young wife may assume that her husband will come shopping with her and he may take it for granted that she will stay at home while he goes to the local football match , or plays golf with the boys .
8 Gradually the fever subsided and all the skin peeled from her body , but her limbs were very stiff and the doctor insisted that she should stay in bed , lying flat as far as possible .
9 A judge at Leeds has already granted an interim order so that she can stay with her foster parents .
10 The warden and his wife , being owners of a Siamese cat , were not overjoyed to see Emily but they reluctantly fed her a saucer of milk , saying that she could stay for one night .
11 Mrs Falconer is facing compulsory redundancy and has been told that she could stay on the staff if she accepts demotion to ordinary lecturer — a post already held by her sister , Barbara Diack .
12 Harriet drove her to the local hospital as soon as the pains started in mid-afternoon and , knowing how hazardous the road back in the dark could be at this time of the year , brought an overnight bag so that she could stay at a nearby hotel .
13 And although Gramps had left her enough money for just this purpose she 'd been hoping to live cheaply so that she could stay in Ireland for at least a month , see as much of the country as she could .
14 They all assumed , blandly , blithely , that she must stay in London , or go abroad ; that the guilt must be endured , and no question about it .
15 I could not possibly entertain the mad supposition that you would stay at Mannheim , where there is no longer a court …
16 I says I 'm gon na stop with me father and they said well , we 're sorry to lose you but we know this trade 's know good to you and we hope that you 'll stay with your dad and , well I did , I stayed with me dad until , as I say after I come out of the army and they would n't let me increase me coal trade .
17 This does not mean that you should stay in a firm that stoops to fraud or illegality ; but idealistic notions have to face an economic assessment .
18 We tidied up our rooms and cleaned the kitchens , dragging out the mundane tasks so that we could stay in the warm .
19 Erm , I took her at her word , I still looked for work , I did n't stop looking for work but I took it that she was happy enough me being on the dole if it meant that we could stay around Bay or Anglesey .
20 It is my considered opinion that we should stay at a safe distance and await further developments . ’
21 The English Tourist Board 's half of that erm is designed to persuade us , to persuade the British that erm is the year that we should discover Britain , this is the year that we should stay at home and take our holidays in the view of everything that 's happened , and in view of prices overseas .
22 We 're all extending our overdrafts in the hope that we can stay in business long enough to be around when the upturn starts .
23 In the hotel the count had merely said that they would stay with him , not with his sister and himself .
24 Furthermore , there was a danger that they would stay in service long enough to qualify for a retirement pension — an even more expensive proposition .
25 Was that the first hint , no more than a joke really , that they might stay at Wyvis Hall , that they might live there ?
26 intended to stay , because the immediate reaction to something like that happening is n't necessarily erm , all bad , I mean people are quite glad that they are still alive and they 're quite prepared to put up with the possible fallout of the consequences of that so that they can stay in their own homes .
27 But it was soon settled that he would stay at home only till Ruari was better .
28 Benjamin pulled me into the shadows as Mandeville came out to issue curt instructions for the dead sheriff 's body to be removed and informed the soldiers that he would stay at Templecombe for a while .
29 Once Zenaida was well and truly snoring , Carmellina would slash his jesses with her knife so that he would stay by her , and he would peck at her shoulder if her head began to loll ; he would then whistle and coo to divert her and hasten his salvation .
30 I have asked some of the great white chiefs where they get their authority to say to the Indian that he shall stay in one place , while he sees white men going where they please .
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