Example sentences of "that [pron] 's [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There 've been plenty of people like that , all down history , and plenty of them psychologists , who 've had lunatic and silly ideas that everyone 's forgotten about .
2 awful when you hear about yourself , it is horrible and you hear something that someone 's said about you and you think how can they , they just spent the whole day with me or they 've spent , you know exactly your situation like , couple of years of your life with you
3 So perhaps we can for the contribution that she 's made in sh in a short time .
4 in the house that she 's lived in that she 's in now all her life
5 and er Elizabeth , I just ca n't imagine that she 's altered at all
6 But two cars took her out against and they believe that she 's gone to the airport and they did n't know where where she was excised .
7 He says that she 's gone on longer than anyone thought , and she 's not even ga-ga !
8 Erm , and obviously the fact that she 's sent to Lowood shows that it 's
9 This is not going to disappear overnight , it 's going to affect her for a long time , and she 's never going to catch up on the work that she 's missed over the last couple of months by having seven teachers in six weeks .
10 From them you know ma that she 's got over the ecstasy of , yes he 's coming home ?
11 She 's gon na put all that she 's got into it , yeah .
12 Whether she is consciously twisting logic , or just , poor girl , confused , I 'm not sure , but at the end it 's quite clear ‘ So dear I love them that with him all deaths I could endure , without him live no life ’ , that she 's got into a world of fantasy because the one thing that is of course not in question is that Adam should die and that she should live on , which appears to be what she 's referring to here .
13 I said mark the chap that she 's got at the moment is taking her out to discos and things and she 'll find that he does n't really want to kick in and help to support her .
14 and I found two pairs of Michelle 's knickers after that , I did n't know what , now I do n't know how they manage this year because , she was coming round in the day with little Donna with her and I was around , there you are , you see , these , they , they will love and find a way , anyway , erm , I said dear look , a woman needs a man to support her I said mark my words when the chap that she 's got at the moment is taken her out to disco 's and things , she 'll find that he does n't really want to kick in and help to support her .
15 No she does n't , it 's things that she 's known for years .
16 Can I just ask about the the fact that everything 's made of greenwood ?
17 I do n't really believe any of this , but the fact that he even says it means that something 's come over him .
18 Now when this is all over , and Saddam has got to be stopped , forcibly stopped , when this is over , I believe that there 's got to be no reneging as this country has constantly done with the Arabs ; there has got to be a Middle East conference , and the Israelis said ‘ yes , we agree to your State , but return to your original frontiers or you will get the same treatment as Saddam has got . ’
19 There are also pitfalls of training ; you ca n't just take someone on , on test and say ‘ you are on test on the motorway ’ , that there 's got to be training .
20 We 'll move onto the accident books , any things , or any issues that anybody 's seen from the reports action ?
21 so , so that everybody 's threatened by the same thing so that
22 I will make sure that everybody 's issued with them .
23 Erm , Chair , this is the Joint Staffing Watch for September ninety-three , and its mandatory on the County Council , that it 's presented to the committee , er , within a period of preparation as it is issued to the media .
24 So what , what , what could it am I right in saying that it 's related to the , the work that you 're doing is related to the particular circumstances the particular problems that people living in flats have had ?
25 It 's a possibility that it 's related to some existing thought you 'd had .
26 Personally , I prefer to speak about learning together because I think it 's more friendly use , er , user friendly I think I understand it better and it reminds me that it 's connected with disciple-ship .
27 If it 's the non-taxpayer owns the account in that case , then she can pay the whole of that thousand pounds into a joint account for them both , and they can both use the income , the revenue are n't going to b bother about where the money 's gone , providing that it 's received by the person who owns the investment .
28 So it was , the prophecy was written then by Daniel for our , for our time and it just happened in our , because you know er , when he was er , when he finished the book write written and he said I have seen the , the , the erm visions and I 've heard the voice , but I , and I 've written down what I was told to do , but I do not understand and then the voice said to him well close that down , that book is not for you to understand , the generations that it 's written for , it 's written for the end of the times , they will come to understand it , and you see we actually witnessing what 's happening
29 But , perhaps the intention is that er , they do n't fund it , that it 's funded by the county council , but certainly I do n't think this committee should be approving a supplementary estimate .
30 Mr Chairman I , I would support the proposal that it 's moved to the afternoon
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