Example sentences of "that [pron] [was/were] nothing [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Wreckage analysis showed that there was nothing untoward about the airframe or engines , However comments were made about the avionics installation .
2 This has been considered in a number of recent winding-up cases , notably in Re Abbey Leisure Ltd [ 1990 ] BCC 60 , where the Court of Appeal said that two grounds for preferring a winding-up order to the transfer notice procedure and valuation by a company 's auditor were : ( 1 ) that there was nothing unreasonable in a petitioner with a minority holding refusing to accept a discount being applied to the valuation of his interest in the company , which an auditor was likely to decide on ; and ( 2 ) that there was machinery available in winding-up for the proper determination of claims , which was not available to an auditor .
3 She had her underclothing beneath , of course , and the expensive silk was of such a luxuriously close weave that there was nothing immodest about the outfit .
4 It is understood that there was nothing contentious on the agenda .
5 It was annoying but I used to tell myself that there was nothing personal in it .
6 In many ways one could argue that there was nothing new in the FMI ; it was simply that many of these changes were almost two decades late in being recommended since they closely resemble many of the proposals contained in the Fulton Committee Report of 1968 ( Cmnd. 3638 ) .
7 He tried to say this in a way that suggested that he was always ringing up for a natter about arsenic and thallium , that there was nothing odd about his request .
8 He argued , of course — said that there was nothing serious between the two of you and you knew that .
9 The people of Glenleighan were chased out of Northern Ireland into these hills because the ruling class felt that there was nothing worthwhile here .
10 Gardner suggested that there was nothing wrong with apparent idleness , since it could often in the long run prove to be ‘ the true seed-plot of thought ’ .
11 Fatima was very concerned about her health , but Jane was amused to note that there was nothing wrong with her lungs .
12 Although Scott obviously thought that there was nothing wrong in MPs lobbying Palmerston on his behalf , he was upset at the idea of fellow architects criticizing his appointment .
13 It was generally agreed that there was nothing wrong with the proportions , but this could indicate the work of a skilful forger .
14 She wanted her daughter to be a marchioness , maintaining that there was nothing wrong with Virginia which marriage would n't cure .
15 Bunny agreed with Meredith that there was nothing wrong with Dawn Allenby apart from her love of beauty , an affliction she was ill-equipped to fight .
16 It was n't until a physiotherapist found a vertical tear in the hamstring that they had to admit I was injured and that there was nothing wrong with my motivation .
17 He said to himself that there was nothing wrong with cutting grass on Good Friday .
18 However , when there had been some difficulty in getting the bidding started , the seller announced that there was nothing wrong with the heifer and he would absolutely guarantee her .
19 The DTA admitted that it received money from the South African government but argued that there was nothing wrong with obtaining money from abroad , just as SWAPO had done .
20 He made her feel naked anyway , despite the fact that there was nothing transparent about tonight 's outfit and even its low round neckline fully concealed her breasts while revealing their shapely swell .
21 Prior to the Geneva meeting , moreover , Bush continued to emphasize that there was nothing negotiable about the requirement for an Iraqi withdrawal , nor any " linkage " with the issue of a Palestinian homeland .
22 It had all been an enjoyable game , and she had always imagined that love would be an enjoyable game as well , except that there was nothing enjoyable about the pain eating away at her .
23 Her skin was sallow since the fever , and her little face was pinched with the cold so that there was nothing attractive about her .
24 And the terrible , disturbing thing was that there was nothing different .
25 He said Popova and Klyun were unoriginal , adding that there was nothing interesting about them , while Rodchenko was no more than a photographer .
26 Marx 's whole work was an attempt to show that this image was false ; that there was nothing inevitable about all this , but rather that this apparent powerlessness of the worker to determine the wage was the product of the distribution of property and especially of the distribution of the ownership of such things as land , machines , tools , etc .
27 In 1872 the Catholic Archbishop Cardinal Manning announced that the majority of clerics now believed that there was nothing incompatible between evolutionary science and their own theological system .
28 I find the remark significant for the assumption which is made that there was nothing harmful about the previous view of the relation between men and women ; indeed the previous view may have accorded with the divine will and our present outlook not .
29 She looked at them indulgently , saw at once that they were nothing notable , and said to him straight away that they would not do .
30 ‘ After a while I stopped blaming myself and simply accepted the fact that it was nothing personal , no major failing on my part , it was simply the way Claire was .
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