Example sentences of "that [pron] [vb mod] [prep] least " in BNC.

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1 It may have been because the school was voluntary-aided that the head also wanted religious education to have an important place , not so much in shaping the school but in underlining the requirement that everyone should at least think about his or her religious belief .
2 If I were playing an indisputably virtuous character , then cliché dictates that I would at least be spared death , imprisonment or degradation .
3 The registrar was saying that I must at least remember the year .
4 And it is through my understanding of drawing , control of the pencil , and study of design , that I can at least set out my figures well .
5 I hated it , and Dr Kelleher got some of them taken down so that I could at least see the daylight .
6 The telephone rang while I was busy explaining to Tony Crosland that I could not accept a further term of office at the Housing Corporation , since I had been appointed to the Mastership of University College , Oxford , but I had agreed to a request that I should at least stay for another year to see someone else in .
7 And apparently at speech day she was talking to s do you know she had the cheek to say to me she had the cheek to tell somebody to say that I should at least have the decency to go out with someone who 's half looking , half good looking .
8 Why could n't Joe let her sit in the fireside armchair in the living-room so that she 'd at least have company ?
9 The model agency office was in a tall old house in Clifton and Paula splashed out some of her savings on a taxi so that she could at least arrive in style .
10 Make as full a list as possible of what kinds of answer would be possible ( to your main question and also to your other questions ) , so that you can at least consider candidates that your essay may then reject .
11 The guarantee that you will at least receive an amount equal to your original investment at the end of five years will be unaffected by any change in the rate of tax on policyholders ' funds applicable to Life Insurance Companies .
12 However , as with most decisions there are advantages and disadvantages on either side and it is important that you should at least know what the choices are .
13 But do you agree that we ought at least to carry out some preliminary studies ?
14 In the case of Rose of Lima , who is simply a very extreme and therefore very demanding example of a more widespread phenomenon , it seems that we must at least understand , even if we do not wish to reclaim and emulate , the ideas about purity which governed her life .
15 Well one that we can at least discuss as to whether this was Marxism or not .
16 ‘ But since we 're both going to have to stay under this roof for a couple of days , perhaps even longer , maybe we 'd better lay down some ground rules so that we can at least avoid open warfare . ’
17 It therefore seemed better that the JACs and SCCs co-operate in order that they would at least be in a position to provide after-care supervision .
18 Those inmates classed as illiterate were obliged to take a compulsory form of basic education , with the aim that they would at least be able to read and write by the time they were released .
19 I agree with the hon. Member for Carshalton and Wallington ( Mr. Forman ) that by far the most useful thing that we could do in the short run would be to fund a payments union among the commonwealth of independent states so that they could at least have a currency in which to trade with one another .
20 Students spent a lot of time travelling ( walking and even running ) from one lecture to another in various parts of London , and it was increasingly demanded that they should find within the walls of the College all that they required , or that they should at least pay a fee that would entitle them as of right , rather than for charity 's sake , to enter medical lectures .
21 Do n't you think that they should at least nod in the direction ?
22 Their football was a credit to Hand , and Cecere ensured that it would at least be rewarded by an extra 30 minutes when he collected Maskell 's pass and tucked the ball behind Steve Sutton .
23 And it might seem that it would at least be a start to discover whether they are in fact common .
24 And if Germany is destined to become one and inevitably rise to a position of leadership in Europe , let us seriously consider the sceptics ' view that it should at least not happen in our generation .
25 Madame Grimaud treated all this with brisk courtesy , remarking on one occasion that it could at least be said that Frederica was a good moral influence .
26 I did not begrudge Wilson this , since I had no wish for my own part to be revealed , but for some reason best known to himself he decided that he would at least claim the credit for having found me .
27 He had called for Etienne some time ago , and was still waiting ; it gratified him to think that he would at least have an excuse to send the stupid pig on ahead of him .
28 Though Jaq , in his role as a Trader , pretended to patronize a mistress , the reality was that during his thirty-five years of life he had only bedded one woman — almost on an experimental basis so that he should at least be acquainted with the spasm of sex .
29 If A had an honest doubt whether there was a contract at all between B and C it has been held that this would provide a good defence but if the doubt is whether A 's rights or C's under two inconsistent agreements should prevail and A chooses to adopt a course which on one view of the law will undoubtedly interfere with C 's rights , it has been said that he must at least show that he was advised and honestly believed that he was entitled to take that course .
30 He wished they 'd left him the radio mast , so that he could at least listen to some music and pick up the news .
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