Example sentences of "that [art] [noun] [prep] whom " in BNC.

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1 Although this only added to Liza 's frustration , she could not help thinking that the wife to whom he had referred who , unaccountably , had elected to remain in Scotland helping her parents on their estate , deserved to be deceived .
2 Indeed , if the situation was reversed and the message concerned notice of termination , could arrival into the receiver 's account prove that the individual for whom it was meant had actually read it ?
3 They were the disciples of one Malam Ibrahim , a teacher of the Koran whose studies had slowly convinced him that the Jesus of whom he read in its pages was the mediator through whom the prayers of the faithful are offered up to the All-Merciful .
4 He insisted that he had and that the officer to whom he had dictated it was on duty controlling crowds outside the courtroom door .
5 Barth insisted that the God with whom we have to deal makes himself known in and through Jesus Christ as the Father , Son and Holy Spirit , and that this is the real key to his being as God .
6 She hoped that the child to whom this home belonged would let her stay and watch him playing .
7 While it is desirable that you too feel that way about it , it is essential that the person to whom you are delegating sees the task as valuable .
8 It assumes that the person to whom the institution has a liability ( ‘ the liability of the institution to him ’ ) is one and the same person as the person who made the deposit ( ‘ in respect of … each sterling deposit which was made by him ’ ) .
9 ‘ 2(1) A person 's appropriation of property belonging to another is not to be regarded as dishonest — ( a ) if he appropriates the property in the belief that he has in law the right to deprive the other of it , on behalf of himself or of a third person ; or ( b ) if he appropriates the property in the belief that he would have the other 's consent if the other knew of the appropriation and the circumstances of it ; or ( c ) ( except where the property came to him as trustee or personal representative ) if he appropriates the property in the belief that the person to whom the property belongs can not be discovered by taking reasonable steps .
10 It was out of the question ; she must end this bizarre interview here and now by telling Madame Gebrec , gently but firmly , that the person to whom she should confide her doubts was Officer Hassan .
11 He obviously hoped , and after a little while would presumably have believed , that the person to whom it was directed was another homosexual .
12 Suppose , as was possible , that the person to whom the behaviour was directed had been a heterosexual using the lavatory for its proper purpose .
13 Where the allegation is that the person to whom the remarks were addressed was likely to form a given belief , it means ‘ likely to form ’ and not ‘ did form . ’
14 If that is so , the defendant can not be convicted if he raises doubts as to whether or not he realised that the person with whom he was dealing was a policeman , or that he did not realise that what he was doing would make the task of the policeman more difficult .
15 The clause should therefore be amended to read : " the Tenant " includes the successors in title of the Tenant A landlord may nevertheless for the purpose of privity of contract wish to ensure that the person with whom it is entering into the agreement will be the original tenant under the lease .
16 This establishes two grounds of liability ; for the first , it must be likely that the person at whom the conduct is directed believes that the use of violence is imminent .
17 It does not mean that the person at whom the conduct is directed must believe that it is likely that violence will be provoked .
18 It is only sensible that the person for whom the candidate will be working ( and who therefore probably knows best what is needed ) , should be involved in the selection .
19 He concluded , however , that it was not a necessary precondition of a restitutionary order under section 6(2) or of a remedial order under section 61(1) that the person against whom the order was made , whether the contravener or the person ‘ knowingly concerned ’ in the contravention , should have received the money or property ordered to be restored to the investor .
20 or , ( 1 ) a claim which by virtue of any other enactment the court has power to hear and determine notwithstanding that the person against whom the claim is made is not within England and Wales or that the wrongful act , neglect or default giving rise to the claim did not take place within England and Wales .
21 Clothes and personal effects may only be seized if the custody officer : ( a ) believes that the person from whom they are seized may use them : ( i ) to cause physical injury to himself or another ; ( ii ) to damage property ; ( iii ) to interfere with evidence ; ( iv ) to assist him to escape ; or ( b ) has reasonable grounds for believing that they may be evidence relating to an offence .
22 Not least , the CIA was induced to help before it realized that the man with whom it would be dealing was one it had already discarded .
23 It was when we had settled down to talk in comfortable armchairs that I told him that the man for whom I had substituted at Marlborough , in the hope of replacing him altogether , now planned to return , so that once more I should be out of a job .
24 How is it possible not only that children are not listened to when they complain , but that the man against whom they are complaining can leave one employment for another and be given a reference by the very people who have already received complaints about him ?
25 We believe that the tenants about whom my hon. Friend has spoken are responsible people who are capable of taking a mature decision .
26 But Mr. Thornton forcefully submits that no more is required to sustain the plea than that the court before whom the defendant had previously been charged should have decided his guilt , whether by the court , where it is the tribunal of fact , announcing its decision to that effect , by the return of a guilty verdict by the jury or by the ‘ acceptance ’ of a plea of guilty .
27 He had thought he had not cared what became of him in the battle and he had thought that , when it was over , he would return to the Wolfwood and that the creatures amongst whom he had lived would return , also .
28 It is not easy to come to terms with the idea that the parents on whom you depended all those years ago may now — possibly because of ill-health — have become dependent upon you .
29 I keep hearing , supposedly true , stories about the new milkman to school who remained convinced for months that the secretary with whom he had been chatting regularly was the head !
30 1.59 The third ground for defending an application is that the defendant from whom the interim payment is sought is not a person who appears to the court to fall within one of the categories listed in Ord 29 , r11(2) , namely : ( a ) a person who is insured in respect of the plaintiff 's claim ; ( b ) a public authority ; or ( c ) a person whose means and resources are such as to enable him to make the interim payment .
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