Example sentences of "that [pron] [modal v] speak [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I am afraid , rather weakly , I said that I would speak to Max .
2 Arriving at the podium to a standing ovation , Jesse asked for the house lights to be raised — ‘ so that I may speak unto the people ’ .
3 I did not mean to say but perhaps it is better I should , therefore only remark that I will speak on the subject in my next , but do not suffer alarms on my account — I am in better health than I have been for years and I hope to get to Sydney and get comfortably settled in good time … ’
4 It 's about lifestyles that I 've lived and lifestyles that I respect and that I can speak for because I 've been there .
5 Well the only encouraging initiative that I can speak of for West Sussex is the establishment of the Rural Options Land Bank and er I 've undertaken to try and get some county commitment to this and that means some land .
6 You and Osman , you and the Fry , though you have told me of your perfect freedom and exchange of ideas etc. were never freer than Edward and I. Sometimes I wonder that I can speak to him as I do , never before having known a boy , and having only you at times to ‘ let out , on .
7 ‘ Oh , ’ Athelstan added , ‘ is it possible that I could speak to one of the laundresses ? ’
8 I did n't ask , because I was sure that someone would speak to her by name during the meal .
9 The trouble is that nobody can speak for the whole profession because of the various ways in which the profession is divided .
10 When the subject of his father cropped up , which was not very often , Phil found that she could speak of him with true affection , keeping alive for the little boy his early memories of a loving father .
11 ‘ That was very good of you , ’ whispered Isabel , rather surprised that she could speak at all .
12 If you read her diaries you discover that she travelled incessantly on trains and overnight trains so that she could speak at meetings the next morning .
13 She then hesitated , waiting for him to leave the office so that she could speak to her father in private , but he made no move to do so .
14 She knew that she must speak to Louise .
15 She insists that she must speak to you . ’
16 Secondly , it must be said that , from the very start , Christians strained ordinary human language in order to speak of the significance of Christ ; the term Christ was an inclusive term , such that one could speak of persons as being ‘ in Christ ’ .
17 I sought guidance earlier , Mr. Deputy Speaker , and was advised that one could speak on anything in the Queen 's Speech , but if that is incorrect I shall confine my remarks to the council tax .
18 Distinct from the previously existing ‘ folk culture ’ , it is only in the late-nineteenth-century city that one can speak with any degree of certainty about the existence of a mass and popular culture .
19 My hon. Friend the Member for Wolverhampton , South-West ( Mr. Budgen ) reminded us more than once that we should speak to the motion .
20 But , even assuming , first , that the oppression has indeed been lifted , second , that we can speak of , and know , a time when that desire was ever free , and third , that we can speak meaningfully of a ‘ natural ’ or a ‘ liberated ’ desire ( and my argument questions all three assumptions ) , even assuming all this , liberated desire would still always be different from its pre-oppression counterpart .
21 It is in this sense that we can speak of Prussian hegemony : her economic strength , her size population and political weight inevitably resulted in putting a Prussian stamp on the new Germany .
22 Does this increase in variation mean that we can speak of a specifically ‘ local ’ politics , and if so is this based around local issues and is it generated through local processes ?
23 It is arguable , with some hope of success , that we can speak of a choice or a decision as an effect and not be committed to there having been a causal circumstance which was required for it , and speak of an action as an effect and need not be committed to there having been a causal circumstance that was — roughly speaking — prior in time to the agent 's initial neurophysiological activity .
24 It is in this sense that we can speak of students forming their own ideas .
25 And if the scientists felt that they could speak with certainty , how much more so the lesser publicists and ideologists who were all the more certain of the experts ' certainties , because they could understand most of what the experts said , at least in so far as it could still be said without the use of higher mathematics .
26 Therefore , a system was introduced which enabled regiments to appoint honorary colonels of their own choosing so that they could speak on their behalf and as a last resort have a direct right to apply to the sovereign in order to make representations on behalf of their unit .
27 Antony 's only request is that he may speak at his funeral .
28 He had talked of a new prisoner — too much to hope that he would speak of anything other than the camp — a prisoner who was an Englishman .
29 Lord only knew when the telephone was going to be installed in the house , but if that man thought that he could speak to her however he wanted , safe in the knowledge that she was incommunicado , then he had another think coming .
30 Often , it is as we become aware of the presence of God that he will speak to his people .
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