Example sentences of "that [pron] [modal v] make [art] " in BNC.

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1 There must be no ‘ sacred cows ’ an I hope all of you will assist and will recognise that everyone can make a contribution .
2 My brother said that I would make a good banker .
3 If we 're given an assignment , whatever it is , perform it well , do n't think that I would make a better magazine servant than that brother over there and I do n't like it on the accounts , why do they always use me as a hall servant ?
4 He was chosen for Scotland 's tour of North America in May , played in four of the six games , including the two non-cap Tests , and scored three tries : ‘ I was delighted to go but I never thought for a moment that I would make the Test side .
5 My teacher , meanwhile , is far from convinced that I 'll make the concert platform .
6 No , I do not think that I shall make the same mistake again .
7 I 've promised him that I will make a new life for myself and not think of the past .
8 I am hoping this will improve my grasp of the key issues so that I can make a more direct contribution on this front in future .
9 Nenna thought : I 'm pleased for him to see that I can make a proper job of something .
10 I know that my hon. Friend will understand that I can make no comments about the merits of the proposal which is the subject of our debate or about the case for calling it in for determination by my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State .
11 You 're so plausible that I could make a case for you .
12 Counsel has helpfully suggested that I could make an order not to remove child from place he was presently living until removed , as well as in respect of the other three children .
13 I had an idea that I should make a show of dignity and tried to do this by looking straight ahead , as if the crowds moving up and down the platform were beneath my notice .
14 I paid every attention to her during a long sickness and , a short time before her death , she requested that I should make a mummy of her body , and keep her beside me — I have kept my word . ’
15 I feel that I should make a more concerted effort to leave my profession and find a new and more satisfying career .
16 The American authorities told me that I should make a general election law and arrange that the Korean people rule themselves .
17 ‘ You suggested that I should make a fresh statement . ’
18 They decided on the following Friday for the party and Lee said that she would make a chicken and pasta and fruit and nut salad and make borscht and buy black bread and invite Philippa and Conrad if Larry would buy cheese and wine and serviettes and invite two friends of his own .
19 But before that she would make a cup of tea and read for a bit .
20 She decided that she would make a phone call just to check that Jenny had left home and knew the right time of her arrival .
21 She thought , child of an experimental scientist that she was , that she would make the test for herself and not take the easy way out of asking those experts in all matters Anglican , Theodora and Ian .
22 I have to be convinced that she 'll make a good mother . ’
23 As that she should make a move .
24 It had been arranged that she should make a regular weekly visit in order to vaccinate all new puppies , do an inspection of all the animals already there , and be on call for any emergency .
25 Conscious that she must make the most of these last weeks , and grateful for all the happiness and love which she had enjoyed in childhood , she was nevertheless eager for the days to pass and for the news to come that João had arrived from Lisbon to collect his bride .
26 ‘ In Berlin , where I come from , oh yes many years ago , before those foul Nazis besmirched the country , they would have said of you that you would make a great beauty , a grande dame sans merci .
27 The Scheme ensures that you may make a claim for any lapse in service within the four specified guarantees .
28 ‘ To the end that you may make a second and happier marriage from your father 's house — is that so ? ’
29 When you start there is a sense in which everything you do is right , there is no clear sense of wrong , though of course it is here that you may make the inevitable false move , take the inevitable wrong turning .
30 Most important of all , try to get as much information as you can about each of the universities you are considering , in order that you may make the most sensible choice to suit your own needs .
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