Example sentences of "not believe that [pron] be " in BNC.

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1 We are never presented as sexual subjects or objects , so we are less likely to trigger desire , and if we do not believe that we are desirable we will project this and create further obstacles .
2 No-one can deny that being pretty helps — no female on breakfast television would have a career otherwise — but I can not believe that we are turning back to the dark days when it was deemed the most important thing of all .
3 ‘ We did not believe that we were getting the best range of stock into Dillons , ’ says Adrian Bourne , group managing director for sales .
4 But I simply could not believe that we were not coming back .
5 Until almost the last day I could not believe that we were really leaving Abyssinia for good , that we should not be coming back .
6 Now Spike , apart from being an excellent navigator , was also something of an amateur Met man and would quote yards of Pick ( an authority on Met forecasting ) at anyone who would listen , and at first he could not believe that we were in an icing situation .
7 I have great faith in locally-elected planning committees , but I do not believe that they are in a position to scrutinise the NRA 's proposals in the comprehensive way that that proposed expenditure clearly warrants .
8 That part of the Prime Minister 's speech will be studied carefully because it reveals his intentions , although I do not believe that they are shared by the Minister .
9 As an engineer , with a craftsperson 's interest in machines , he could not believe that they were the real villains of the piece and he set about looking for the deeper fault underlying their applications .
10 It suggests that a man should be liable for rape if he knows the woman is not consenting , is aware that she might not be consenting or , as stated in Kimber , Satnam and S. , does not believe that she is consenting .
11 As the term suggests , these are letters from the Commission to notifying parties stating that the Commission does not believe that there is any need to take action in relation to the agreement or arrangement either because it falls outside Article 85(1) or because it may satisfy the requirements of Article 85(3) , although in such a case the issue of a comfort letter does not amount to an exemption pursuant to Article 85(3) .
12 We do not believe that there is an inherent power in this court to make such an order .
13 Whilst generalising for the sake of simplicity , the Commission does not believe that there is any essential conflict between these two categories .
14 We do not believe that there is any good evidence that the therapeutic plasma concentration range is different in chronic obstructive airways disease than in asthma .
15 I do not believe that there is a quick fix for the coal industry .
16 On his way home the son did not believe that there was any possibility of his father forgiving him .
17 Holmes did not believe that there was a supernatural hound .
18 These " no-hopers " were probably given to me because I may well have been overheard to say I did not believe that there was such a person who had gone through a-initio training as a pilot who could not get on step by step until he became an operational pilot .
19 I did not believe that there were large savings to be made simply from reducing the size of the rail network .
20 ‘ I can not believe that I am hearing you aright , my darling .
21 We do not believe that it is necessary to placate God in such a way .
22 I do not believe that it is entirely their fault , because they almost certainly have producers and controllers who tell them what they may or may not discuss .
23 Of course there is drug abuse in athletics , but I do not believe that it is as widespread as the press and some of the anti-campaigners make out .
24 I do not believe that it is possible to make a heterosexual into a homosexual ...
25 While acquisitions , disposals and foreign subsidiaries all feature , I do not believe that it is particularly difficult — if you have a basic understanding and are willing to think in broad financial accounting terms .
26 He does not believe that it is necessary to like or even respect your movie co-star .
27 The question for me then is whether Christianity is true ; and I do not believe that it is .
28 I do not believe that it is possible to measure the consequences to our political life that flowed from his early death , following on so rapidly after the death of Aneurin Bevan .
29 I emphasise that I do not believe that it is right to agree to measures which are damaging to the Scottish or to the British economy , and we have not done so .
30 I do not believe that it is helpful to suggest that the problem is widespread or in any way worrying , either for the consumer or for the farming industry as a whole .
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