Example sentences of "not turn [adv] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 We must try to ensure that , as a result of our own genetic manipulation , they do not turn out to be unpleasant surprises .
2 THIS MAY or may not turn out to be the winter when serious numbers of British skiiers forsake the Alps for the Rockies .
3 ‘ Opinion polls may or may not turn out to be right at a later stage ’ ; ‘ Local authorities exceeded projected expenditure by quite a margin ’ ; ‘ When this campaign started some weeks ago ’ ; ‘ I concede the point , for I have stated it many times in the past . ’
4 However , this did not turn out to be such a cheap solution in the long run , since it set up conditions of even greater instability , necessitating repeated operations every two years.5 Major work on the river Taff and the river Usk in South Wales , carried out in the early 1980s , has precipitated extensive and unforeseen repair bills .
5 If , as seems probable , most teachers will sort out their pupils into the high and the low fliers at a fairly early stage , and if there is a whole separate set of papers in some subjects for the high and the low , then the difference between the higher grades of GCSE and O levels will not turn out to be very great .
6 Imposing English at all levels of the education system may not turn out to be either practical or appropriate .
7 If the hypnotist does not turn out to be as trustworthy as expected , this can be extremely dangerous .
8 However , because it is very difficult in practice to evaluate the integrals which this method involves , this does not turn out to be a convenient method for obtaining explicit solutions .
9 The particular decomposition ( 10.8 ) , however , does not turn out to be particularly convenient in the construction of explicit solutions .
10 Too often retired people will say that retirement did not turn out to be as they had expected .
11 This may not turn out to be so easy .
12 ‘ In fact , it may not turn out to be a job at all , but without you we could n't know for sure . ’
13 Knowing my right hon. Friend 's concern for birds and particularly for our very valuable poultry industry , will he keep an eye on the latest scare for our ’ bootiful ’ turkey industry and ensure that that nonsense about which we are hearing — podo dermatitus — does not turn out to be a load of gobbledegook ?
14 It is true enough that there is often such a nuance ( see Quirk , Greenbaum , Leech , Svartvik , 1972 ) , but the proposal will not turn out to be satisfactory .
15 These arrangements are an unknown quantity and the administration may not turn out to be up to scratch .
16 ‘ That did n't turn out to be much fun . ’
17 If you are planning to try them again this year , take the precaution of choosing quick-maturing varieties in case this summer does n't turn out to be as sunny .
18 Being back in the basement did n't turn out to be any good after all .
19 Let's hope they do n't turn out to be double-edged gifts .
20 Erm which did n't turn out to be the case .
21 Perhaps he wo n't turn out to be the British Jean Renoir of a Glaswegian Woody Allen .
22 Worse still , on the day , how could I be sure , with so many actors around , that the bridesmaids would n't turn out to be actors in drag ?
23 Hopefully the evening would n't turn out to be the disaster she 'd envisaged .
24 For a long time they thought it might have been dysentery , but thank goodness it did n't turn out to be that serious .
25 You 'd gain if you avoided putting that down as a score draw , especially of course if it did n't turn out to be a score draw .
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