Example sentences of "not likely to [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If there is very high fever then Pulsatilla is not likely to be indicated .
2 Places reserved for the burial of cremated remains were not likely to be filled for many years — if ever .
3 Nor are the prospects , even for Galway , as bad as they appear at the moment : workers reportedly wept openly in the Digital canteen when told their jobs were being phased out over the next 12 months , but the fear that most of the subcontractors that served DEC will have to close as well is not likely to be realised : where a company has a good relationship with a subcontractor , there are good reasons for maintaining that relationship even after a plant closes , and work should start flowing across the Irish Sea all the way to Galway from Scotland .
4 When I read a novel the emotions aroused in me bring the experience of the events of the narrative into the present , but I am not likely to be misled into thinking it is actually happening for there are enough indicators in the environment to assure me that it is not .
5 Also , eating is not likely to be viewed as a cardinal sin .
6 Well , he is not likely to be mistaken .
7 ‘ So you are not likely to be mistaken ? ’
8 For example , if the current price is 103 , the bond is not likely to be called until three years before maturity .
9 I 'm delighted to hear that sir and er I was also delighted to hear Mr say that this start date is not likely to be delayed because of this , this prior agreement that is necessary and I was hopeful that er Brandon bypass could retain the position that 's retained itself on our agenda papers this morning I E
10 So I had to come back and sort of say to Ray , you know , if we go for that bid it 's not likely to be supported , erm so we , what we 'd done is a different bid which still includes investors but it 's , it 's a bit broader than that .
11 Niall realises you 'll need time to settle in and , barring any unforeseen epidemic , we 're not likely to be rushed off our feet , so if you need longer … ’
12 But the man was hard and not likely to be influenced unless he got a bargain .
13 It was a small , unpretentious , privately run hotel , with small rooms where conversations were not likely to be overheard .
14 The best time to get people to talk about themselves is when you are sitting around the table over a meal or having tea , and when they are relaxed and are not likely to be diverted by other activities .
15 She was determined the wedding would be one for the young blind girl to remember , even though it was not likely to be attended by any of the Wychwood gipsies who had been at Boz 's marriage to Nahum 's sister .
16 She met John frequently now by arrangement but always they spent the time where they were not likely to be seen .
17 If a woman is tearful and apologetic and can claim some biological disturbance , then she is not likely to be treated as severely as a man .
18 Cheap counterfeit copies are not likely to be made to the safety standards of the real thing .
19 I mean i what what we 're looking for is is the overall figure of this revised assessment of land availability for I five uses in the plan period , and your residue figure would be the one which would not likely to be made available before the year two thousand and six .
20 The public launch of the appeal is not likely to be made before September .
21 ‘ … a high quality paper is not likely to be ignored , [ but ] we can not recognize the beginning of any important advancement in science until [ it ] has been acknowledged . ’
22 You are not likely to be asked to write a report on a complex or recondite subject at the stage that you have reached in your studies .
23 A man or woman whose social or personal habits are unconventional or uncertain is not likely to be risked .
24 It 's not likely to be moved until a specialist breakdown vehicle is brought in tomorrow .
25 The market research survey to find out what brand of toothpaste housewives prefer is not likely to be based on very much sociological theory .
26 I believe there is speculative developments appreciate that it is not likely to be developed for B one , it will become available for other uses .
27 This possibility is not likely to be challenged in workaday uses of language .
28 As I have said , that stretch of road is not likely to be completed this millenium .
29 Home for handicapped is ‘ not likely to be replaced
30 We are looking for people who know their needs and wants , their likes and dislikes — but who are realistic about when they are likely and not likely to be fulfilled .
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