Example sentences of "not have been [adv] bad " in BNC.

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1 I think it would n't have been so bad if he had n't swore at me so much , that was worse than hitting me .
2 And it would n't have been so bad il the owner had been anybody else but Mrs Rumney ; I found that even discussing the thing with her had become almost unbearable .
3 I feel that though I 'd been dawdling it would n't have been so bad .
4 It would n't have been so bad if the two girls in the flat upstairs were at home , but they would n't be back until the end of the week .
5 If she 'd confessed at the beginning it would n't have been so bad , but how could she tell them now ?
6 It would n't have been so bad , of course , if it had only been him , but there was that second-year nurse whom she had accused of loitering with him in the corridor — that was going to take some fancy footwork to get out of without loss of face .
7 ‘ It would n't have been so bad , ’ Souness remembered , ‘ but for the fact that one of our assailants was wielding a sword .
8 Er it would n't have been so bad you know because we when we set out first it was just you know to be successful at home and then we were successful over here and that was you know was the serious big surprise .
9 Er had had such a record , I mean if he 'd smashed just er a lampshade or something like that it would n't have been so bad , but to actually get rid of a third of all the crockery in one fell sloop was er well it was fairly excessive .
10 The other affected blindness and certainly had something wrong with his eyes , though half the population of Egypt suffered from ophthalmia and the eyes could n't have been too bad since he relied on them every day .
11 Actually , it could n't have been too bad , as we met the girl , and she is determined to stay in China to the end of the contract , in spite of what happened .
12 ‘ So you see , Anna — he could n't have been all bad , ’ Merrill reminded her .
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