Example sentences of "he moved [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He moved around to the back of the house , and then ducked in to the laneway that ran behind it .
2 He moved up to the bar but the darts club chairman intercepted him .
3 He moved up to the counter with the air of a man who does n't like having to go through a routine once again but is prepared to do so , all right then here 's my card if you insist !
4 He moved up through the system rapidly enough to make his mark without looking flashy .
5 Admitted to the livery in 1822 , he moved up through the ranks to become master in 1828–30 , thereafter sitting in the court of assistants .
6 He moved on to the ‘ enduring significance and value of the Anglo-American relationship ’ .
7 He moved on to the dome , which you must imagine like the magic covers you have seen in your drawing-room under which dwell all sorts of brilliant little birds , as natural as life on their branches , or flights of mysterious moths and butterflies .
8 From Ireland he moved on to the Outer Hebrides , which he reached on 30 August , and then to his most northerly landfall , Foula off the Shetlands , on 3 September .
9 After taking us through his life and times , he moved on to the matter of his death which he hoped would be quick and peaceful .
10 Eighteen months later he moved on into the marketing and sales department , where he was responsible for liaising between Harwell and the EEC .
11 He moved on up the street , or would have moved on if he had been able to .
12 The next year he moved over to the Alfa team , but could score only three points in a car whose engines rarely survived a race .
13 He moved over to the door control panel , which now glowed red for locked .
14 He moved over to the window of his office and looked out .
15 He moved over to the other side of the office and had begun searching through a well-stocked bookshelf when the phone on his desk rang close by Folly 's hand .
16 Athelstan stood for a moment in disbelief , then he moved over to the other bed post : there , in the centre , the artist had etched a life-like horse .
17 He moved over to the window and looked out across rain-driven Wimbledon .
18 He moved over to the dungeon door to prevent anyone from escaping .
19 Taking his time , he moved over to the door and paused .
20 Forester checked the drawers and cupboards before he moved through into the main room .
21 It was only when he moved round to the side that he saw the blue , chapped ears and the hair , frozen and brittle , as if you could snap it off .
22 He moved round to the front of the stall , pulling McAllister with him .
23 Satisfied that his aim was correct he moved round to the side of the golf-bag .
24 He moved in to the new , roomier accommodation .
25 With a look of resignation , he removed his hand , took his glass from Donal , and , that fascinating little indent beside his mouth once more in evidence , he moved off towards the beckoning Dolores .
26 He moved off along the shelves , reading as he went .
27 a talisman , a passport — and with Wood seeing them out onto the empty streets , he moved off through the cool , misty town , into Newlands Valley , over towards Buttermere , his heart hammering him on to get back to her before it was too late .
28 When he was clear of the goat herds and the sheep that grazed around the village , he moved down to the river that was a tributary of the distant Tigris .
29 On leaden feet he moved back to the staircase and made his way to the half-landing at its top .
30 His inability to make the weight limit forced him to relinquish his title , but two years later , at the age of 22 , he moved back to the USA and won the featherweight crown ( subsequently losing it , regaining it , losing it again and winning it back finally in 1898 ) .
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