Example sentences of "he ca [not/n't] [verb] you " in BNC.

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1 If he then gets wet , he ca n't blame you ! 9 .
2 He ca n't go , that 's the reason he ca n't go you see but he 's going
3 If you can just keep your cool , he ca n't rattle you . ’
4 He could n't stand your father and he ca n't stand you and the other kids being your father 's children , though he does n't mind you being your mother 's .
5 He ca n't hurt you .
6 ‘ But when he ca n't carry you any longer , I do hope you will still come up here to visit us . ’
7 He says er I 've just had a phone call from Brian , he ca n't meet you until eleven o'clock .
8 He ca n't lend you money .
9 Also do n't forget to consider why he ca n't pay you until later .
10 He wo n't mind , he ca n't pay you , anyway .
11 ‘ Duke Michael is very sorry that he ca n't welcome you himself , ’ explained Rupert of Hentzau .
12 I mean , he ca n't make you .
13 He ca n't make you do it , you know . ’
14 If he ca n't have you all to himself , he wo n't want you at all .
15 He ca n't see you in here , just take your time , wait until all the men are lined up then have a good look at them .
16 No well that 's not body language because he ca n't see you can he ?
17 he said he ca n't hear you with that on
18 He ca n't hear you , ’ said the man .
19 He ca n't help you , ’ Fernando said smoothly .
20 He ca n't if you put in , if he thinks everything 's rosy here , he ca n't help you , but in fact you 're going down the swanee , you 're only fooling yourselves .
21 Of course he ca n't forgive you !
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