Example sentences of "he did not seem to " in BNC.

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1 But he did not seem to be in any hurry .
2 Jotan 's tunic was hanging in tatters , but he did not seem to be badly injured .
3 The Shah shared much of Behbehanians suspicion of the British , But now in Aswan , he did not seem to be greatly in favour of Behbehanians suggestion that he throw himself in their mercy .
4 He did not seem to be standing on anything .
5 He did n't seem to be too happy to be here , that 's all , ’ he said .
6 He did n't seem to be .
7 He did n't seem to be teasing .
8 She was still talking about the snake that lived under the water tank when Tom swung the wheel and purred rapidly up the hospital driveway , and if his face was still set in a grim frown and he did n't seem to be listening to her words at all , she should n't have minded , because the object of the exercise had been to entertain Faye , not him .
9 ‘ He was playing a complicated character ; actors with far more experience would have found it difficult — he did n't seem to be able to get a hold of it somehow , to adapt . ’
10 He began to draw , but he did n't seem to be enjoying the pursuit today .
11 I sank even lower into my seat when he mentioned glasses , but he did n't seem to be looking at me .
12 But he did n't seem to be doing anything awful .
13 She wished the man would hurry up ; he did n't seem to be objecting to the way the young assistant was dragging out the transaction .
14 Leith could see at once that he did n't seem to be too enamoured that she , by giving in her notice , had just taken away his trump card .
15 he did n't , he did n't seem to me to be er a mus
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