Example sentences of "he had ever [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He was embarrassed more than he had ever felt in public before .
2 It was the most important thing he had ever done in his life , he had told Margie Llewellyn , and across a nation the rich and famous , the elegant and the glittering society women who were his clients wholeheartedly echoed the sentiment .
3 We told him that he had to have a specific programme … that he had to train the hardest that he had ever done in his life .
4 But he had crossed the road — actually crossed the road — to tell her he thought it was the most interesting interview he had ever heard on the Parker Show .
5 Then he sat down and typed a letter to every agony aunt he had ever heard of .
6 And stood very still and waited — and prayed to every god he had ever heard of that the Robemaker would not utilise the dread Stroicim Inchinn and read into his mind .
7 There was a future now , brighter than he had ever hoped for .
8 Bert ran then , faster than he had ever run before and , dragging the lifeless form on to the sand , he put into practice all that Arnold Spence had taught him , swiftly , efficiently and with complete self-confidence .
9 He could n't afford to believe that he had ever run like that , with such aching legs and such a flood of strength .
10 Little Billy ran faster than he had ever run in his life before .
11 Kicking the Sheraton cabinet quietly had been as far as he had ever gone in destructiveness .
12 It was the most intimate thing he had ever said to her .
13 There was n't one word of commendation in anything he had ever said to her .
14 Durkheim belonged to that contemplative school of armchair theorists epitomized by Sir James Frazer , who is supposed to have solemnly replied ‘ God forbid ! ’ to the innocent questioner who asked if he had ever lived amongst ‘ savages ’ .
15 She was one of the hardest toms he had ever met in his life , and he had met a few , but she had one vice : she was a dyke and liked the young girls .
16 If he had ever existed outside her overheated imagination .
17 Whether he would have been able to stick to it if he had ever risen to be national leader of the Liberal Party is not certain .
18 There before him stood one of the tallest , thinnest men he had ever seen outside a circus .
19 Another sneeze dawned and he reached yet again for his handkerchief , an object which Milton felt was about as disgusting as anything he had ever seen outside the occasional severed head in a motorway accident .
20 He had been exposed as a secret police informer under the ousted communist regime , although he insisted that his activities had been confined to reporting on foreign visitors to Sofia 's Natural History Museum ( where he had been a department head ) and on his visits abroad for scientific research ; he categorically denied that he had ever informed on dissidents .
21 It was the nearest he had ever got to saying something to his son-in-law that was neither untrue nor offensive .
22 Nicholson was left smarting and wondering why he had ever strayed to the glamour side of the business from the safe haven of Corman 's mini-budgets and rented sets .
23 But Kate was the first plain clothes police officer he had ever dealt with on a personal basis .
24 It must have seemed that everything he had ever worked for was falling apart .
25 Between March and June 1984 , he worked harder than he had ever worked in his life .
26 This was the first thought he had ever had of the commune , it was at that moment it first came to him , out on the terrace sitting beside Rufus under Hilbert 's umbrella , while the Vermstroy man hunted his quarry along the woodland streams and Mary pursued him with cries of protest .
27 ‘ I still think you should try marrying Peg , ’ Fred said , starting for the door and giving Arthur as sharp a seizure as he had ever had of longing and hatred for an ally who was deserting him to go to sleep .
28 Oliver was gently carried in to a bed , and received more care and kindness than he had ever had in his life .
29 I have been told that on coming to the village to work in the cement factories and receiving his first weeks wages he asked if it was all his as it was more money than he had ever had in one week .
30 The nearest he had ever approached to any hint of levity was when he had stopped frowning for an instant the day that news had reached him of the death of Prince Charles Edward Stuart in Rome .
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