Example sentences of "he sit [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He made his way along the road until a colleague told him to sit down on the pavement .
2 He slung his cloak of feathers over the staff and Scathach helped him to sit down in the slight shelter that this garment offered .
3 They danced two dances together — or , rather , one and a half , for in the middle of the second , a waltz , he complained of feeling hot and giddy and she took him to sit out at the side .
4 I ca n't see him sitting down for a quiet civilized three cornered discussion . ’
5 Vincent liked to have him sitting drowsily on the floor of his studio on a few sacks while he worked .
6 I helped him sit down on the one centre thwart and arranged his legs as comfortably as possible , Harry cursing and wincing by turns .
7 You know , she made him sit down in the middle in front of everybody you see
8 The carer stands with her legs on either side of the patient 's knees , places her hands under the patient 's seat , pulls his body-weight forward and in one movement lifts his pelvis and pivots him so that he sits down onto the chair .
9 " Andrew is a very complex character as a man , but when he 's composing , he 's just like anybody else — he sits down at the piano looking for the tune , " explains Black .
10 if you like the germ of the idea of the poem is alive in his mind because he sits down at the page thinking I 'm going to write a poem .
11 And so quickly he makes his way to the gate of the city as we 've said , and he gets this man he sits down with the te with the te , with the ten elders who would be witnesses and the kinsman arrives .
12 Likeable , cordial , he sits down in a chair facing her husband and herself and proceeds to converse with them .
13 I gesture ( I imagine ) towards a chair on the other side of my desk and he sits down in an attitude which suggests that he intends to stay for rather more than a minute , and rather less than half an hour .
14 Oh , shut up Ryan , and then he sits there for a bit , and she goes , yeah well , you used to wear national health spectacles .
15 When his mind 's on fisticuffs he sits in on the training sessions there .
16 I saw him play on Sunday and to be perfectly honest had he sat down in the middle of the field I reckon he 'd have had a bigger influence on the game .
17 He of course was the man of the match on th Saturday , he sat here for the interview clutching the bottle of champagne that the club patrons had awarded to him for his performance .
18 He sat broodingly beside the fire while I made some coffee .
19 An uncomfortable pause while he sat forward on the sofa holding his coffee cup in both hands and gazing into it as if he was waiting for some kind of chemical reaction .
20 Then pushing the older man from him , he sat forward in the chair .
21 He sat carefully on a stool by the bed .
22 Fearon 's eyes opened fully and he sat up with a jerk , swore , rubbed his hand over his black curls and squinted at her .
23 The fall seemed to bring Liam to his senses and he sat up on the road wondering where he was .
24 He sat up on the bench and pulled on the robe .
25 He sat up on the chair by the fire .
26 He sat up on the bed , and she saw him wince .
27 He sat up on the bed , turning away from her , running a hand through his hair .
28 He sat up like a shot and his face was right over mine , blazing .
29 He sat silently for a minute and then he got up and walked out .
30 He sat quietly during the 20 minute hearing , whilst his solicitor made an application for bail .
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