Example sentences of "he realize that [pron] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 As he was a brilliant classical scholar , it is possible that he realized that what he had discovered was in line with one of Hippocrates ' systems , formulated so many centuries before .
2 " Not far now , Hlao-roo , not far now , " he kept muttering , until he realized that what he said had become meaningless , a mere refrain .
3 Finally , he realized that what he really felt was fear : not for her safety , but fear that she might have gone out of his life .
4 He realized that what he was about to attempt was fraught with dangers , for Bernice and for himself .
5 I think he realized that what he might call the party of reason , that 's to say the party of those who do n't see things in terms of ideological shibboleths , but in terms of the long-run interests of humanity , ca n't become a party of action .
6 When he was twelve , his psychic sense blossomed and he realized that he himself was one of those whom he had learned to loathe , taught both by his personal tragedy and by the missionaries .
7 Slothrop 's search , however , has scarcely begun before he realizes that he himself is under investigation .
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