Example sentences of "he be sent [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We wo n't tolerate him being sent back to Coney Hill .
2 Copsey is nor a dirty player and it would have been tragic had he been sent off in his first international ’ — IEUAN EVANS ( Wales captain ) on the Tony Copsey incident in Dublin against Ireland .
3 Wormtongue ( a servant of The/1oden Lord of the Mark but in the pay of Saruman ) is pardoned even though he has poisoned the mind of The/1oden , but he receives his punishment when he is sent back to Saruman .
4 ‘ As a youngster he was sent out to Australia to work as a jackaroo on a sheep station .
5 Almost immediately after birth he was sent out to a wet-nurse at the nearby village of Syderstone , where he remained until he was weaned , at about 18 months .
6 and he was sent out to Rhodesia , to Rhodesia
7 He was sent down from Eton in 1863 for a few months for having made a forbidden visit to a Jesuit house .
8 He was sent back to be shot by the Red Army . ’
9 He clashed with his superior and was moved to a different section , and after a series of complaints about his behaviour he was sent back to England at the request of the ambassador at the beginning of May 1951 .
10 He was sent back to England in 1595 and by 1605 he had set up an organization of recusant Welsh gentry , Welsh secular priests , and Jesuits ( centred in Gwent and extending up the marches ) .
11 He was sent back to Scotland to be educated , completing his formal education with a science degree from Edinburgh University .
12 He was sent back to the front only twenty-one days after Lieutenant Makepeace had leapt up and shouted , ‘ Follow me . ’
13 On April 21st , he was sent back to his corps in the Argonne by Knobelsdorf , but before departing he gave vent to his doubts in a memo to the Crown Prince .
14 In the midst of his second year he was sent off to the University College of Wales at Aberystwyth , for a crash course in everything Welsh prior to his investiture as Prince of Wales in the summer of 1969 .
15 But was he , he was sent off to Peru as a sweetener , was he ?
16 21 year old Patton , a villain two weeks ago when he was sent off at Portadown , returned from suspension to put this game beyond doubt within 16 minutes .
17 In the first few years at Rangers , he was sent off for striking five different opponents .
18 In a game against Aberdeen , he was sent off for the 13th time in his career for fouling John McMaster , and the Pittodrie player was taken to hospital with neck injuries .
19 When Bud moved south to West Bromwich Albion in 1976 , he found himself in a deep trouble after a game against Brighton , when he was sent off for the unpardonable offence of kicking a referee .
20 Later in the game he was sent off for his part in a vicious brawl .
21 He was sent off for thumping me , then I broke his jaw . ’
22 He took on a starring role in the Plough Lane Crazy Gang production and gained more notoriety when he was sent off for elbowing a village postman in a pre-season friendly on the Isle of Wight .
23 But in his next match he was sent off for twice attacking the goalie .
24 Then he was sent off for charging him .
25 It came as no surprise when he was sent off for a vicious headbutt to the hapless Hudd .
26 Rovers Defender , Dave Higgins punched the ball out ; he was sent off for deliberate hand ball as Jim Magilton slammed home United 's second .
27 THE FA have suspended Middlesbrough full back Jimmy Phillips for three matches after he was sent off for violent conduct in an off-the-ball incident against Southend last Saturday .
28 Finally , clutching Joie Gould with one hand and a bottle of Scotch in the other , he was sent off by train to a London clinic .
29 Bremner once tried to rile an opponent by drawing attention to his pock-marked face by shouting ‘ Go and get it filled in with polyfilla ’ , but the crunch came when he was sent off in 1967 for fouling the Nottingham Forest keeper Grummitt .
30 POMPEY boss Jim Smith branded striker Paul Walsh ‘ stupid ’ after he was sent off in their ill-tempered Anglo-Italian Cup tie victory at Fratton Park last night .
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