Example sentences of "he be gon [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Normally when he 's gon na be late , he says .
2 the only way to do it is get that book one really sort of so he really understands it and then he 's gon na be interested in book two cos he 'll
3 You see even from Leeds North West the outside party job and the P T pay monthly , so it 's important that the client knows what he 's gon na be facing .
4 Yes incidentally Steve Walsh has er that serious knee injury ligaments have been injured I think they 're still not sure exactly how long he 's gon na be out .
5 Now he 's gon na be a very busy man this person , if it is still a man , who 's going to make sure that all these Trusts are acting in an accountable way and eliminating all this bureaucracy .
6 Yeah I 'll have a word with Stu but i mean he 's gon na be that busy today .
7 Well , Colin 's got ta be able to do a lot of office work , he 's gon na be out doing quotes , you know what I mean , so he 's going have to have somebody there .
8 But the thing is he he 's gon na be ever so , is n't he ?
9 Well I know he 's gon na be watching these .
10 Sit down for a minute , he 's gon na be a minute .
11 make sure he 's wrapped up warm and feet and all , he 's gon na be bleeding c he 's gon na be .
12 make sure he 's wrapped up warm and feet and all , he 's gon na be bleeding c he 's gon na be .
13 It was n't going to leave until half past three , four o'clock , he would 've arrived at fishing at half past five , he 's gon na be late , unless he does very well very quickly , then he wo n't be late .
14 He soon comes into my old room cos he 's gon na be straight up on the bed , right .
15 he said he 's gon na be out
16 I think he 's gon na be sick of mine !
17 But the trouble is he 's gon na be so bogged down with his job problems
18 Dad 's gone I 'm afraid cos he 's gon na be late .
19 He 's gon na be quoting Fry and Laurie for the next ten weeks , like he did
20 I do n't think Major Morgan 's gon na , gon na win , I think he 's gon na be out , out , out
21 alright he 's met you for five minutes but he 's come here I said this gang of children , I said the poor bugger 's not going to know what hit him I said alright if it 's just for Sally 's three I said he 's gon na be , he 's not gon na be relaxed I said I know that for a fact I said I know what it was like when I used to go and visit your people when I was
22 Can you ring him some time after eight or between eight thirty and nine cos he 's gon na be so we
23 Seca , Secretary of State for Wales he 's gon na be !
24 He 's , he 's gon na be bombarded by calls .
25 He 's gon na be a pain in the neck !
26 I , I 've got a tape here and I 'm sure he 's gon na be interested in this .
27 Yeah well they 've got ta be cooked tonight so you got ta do so and so , so and so and so and so and he 's gon na be cooking all these sausages and stuff !
28 He 's gon na be a , you know that !
29 Cos this week he 's gon na be fucking useless .
30 But er so what the hell position he 's gon na be !
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