Example sentences of "he be deputy [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 He is Deputy Chairman of TSB Group , Chairman of The Medical Research Council , a non-executive Director of Cable & wireless and a Governor and Deputy Chairman of BUPA .
2 He is deputy chairman of the dominant Movement for a Democratic Slovakia ( HZDS ) , the party whose vigorous campaign for Slovak independence hastened Czechoslovakia 's partition into separate Czech and Slovak states on 1 January .
3 Lieutenant-general Wolfgang Schwanitz , the new head of the Office for National Security , the former Stasi , was asked the other day why he had not opposed and exposed excesses when he was deputy head of the organisation .
4 He was deputy governor of the Mineral and Battery Company , a quasi-monopolistic body , for twenty-five years ( c .1621–46 ) , and a partner in various ventures to produce iron , chiefly in the Forest of Dean , together with Sir Basil Brooke of Madely , Coalbrookdale .
5 He was deputy governor of the bank 1709–11 and governor 1711–13 .
6 He was deputy convener of the region for 12 years and leader of the Conservative group for ten years .
7 He was deputy convener of the region for 12 years and leader of the Conservative Group for ten years .
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