Example sentences of "he would [vb infin] [be] able " in BNC.

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1 He had no official status and no powers of arrest , but once he 'd identified Alina then the two officers along with him would have been able to detain her on immigration charges .
2 Whether he would have been able to stick to it if he had ever risen to be national leader of the Liberal Party is not certain .
3 Tell that story to one of America 's many grumblers about Japanese investment and the response is that Mr Dukakis would never have made that mistake at a Japanese firm : he would have been able to tell the difference .
4 Flipping back through the pile of loose pages again , he looked for the words he had written about the dark-haired princess who had so generously , so openly acknowledged his presence , the girl to whom ( surely ) he would have been able to tell The Truth .
5 He would have been able to claim credit for ‘ one of the Government 's export achievements ’ , a reference to the 30 per cent of those elected to become Fellows of the Royal Society who now live abroad .
6 Then he would have been able to sit down at the table , loosen his shirt collar , his shoelaces , and read the evening paper until Patsy was ready .
7 If she had given him time he would have been able to show her passion , he knew , but it was hard for him to relax and act confidently after years of being cowed in a stern loveless household .
8 If he had lived long enough to see Henry crowned king at Westminster he would have been able to carry out his plan of leaving Anjou to his second son Geoffrey .
9 On this and many other occasions he would have been able to gauge the strength of local feeling against Richard 's imperious rule .
10 His sabre , unfortunately , was on the other side of the sepoy ( it was a good thing he had not noticed it because it was so sharp that he would have been able to slice Fleury in two without even pressing ) .
11 If ever afterwards Creggan had been asked at what moment on that journey north he knew he was free he would have been able to answer precisely .
12 He would have been able to look at Bracton and the medieval law as well as at Lord Castlehaven 's case .
13 He would have been able to tell Gould about the wealth of unusual birds around Adelaide , and persuade him of the necessity of collecting in the area .
14 He would have been able to make ample provision for the future whether or not he survived .
15 Because that would mean that he would have been able to hold on to his job .
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