Example sentences of "he [vb past] himself [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He hugged himself in self-pity as we took in this alien race dressed with an abandonment and originality we 'd never imagined possible .
2 He plunged himself into all this and more , avidly reading everything that came his way ; especially poetry , and not least Spanish , Chinese and Japanese poets in translation , but chiefly that of Federico Garçia Lorca and W.B. Yeats , of whom he mused , ‘ I loved Yeats ; his connections ( such an important code-word with Leonard ! ) his rhythms . ’
3 He seated himself at one end , and Emily sat beside him .
4 He looked too big for the room as he seated himself in one of the armchairs .
5 Already under a probation order for attacking a songwriter the previous year , he found himself on another assault charge .
6 He found himself under severe pressure last year when the pit closure programme was announced .
7 He was a fanatical fisherman , and here on the borders of Galway and Mayo he found himself in some of the best fishing waters in Europe .
8 He found himself in enormous buildings , with a labyrinth of rooms , and he was lost in the pile .
9 This is virtually Nithard 's last word ; and he offers an explanation of Adalard 's power : " Caring little for the public good , he devoted himself to pleasing everyone .
10 In the Commons he devoted himself to Indian affairs with an emphasis on finance and on opening the Indian Civil Service to Indians .
11 ( And rather shocked that he helped himself to two of Helmut 's silk scarves .
12 He helped himself to some more wine .
13 He helped himself to some more lamb tikka masala .
14 He helped himself to another brandy and waved the bottle before Herr Nordern 's eyes .
15 The Brigadier seemed to be thinking furiously as he helped himself to another glass of port .
16 He left the sentence hanging as he helped himself to more rum .
17 He let himself into one of the houses through the skylight and waited , hardly daring to breath , to see if he had been detected .
18 He bore himself with great dignity , and not a little humour , but he was disappointed to the innermost core .
19 He first met Wordsworth in 1795 and corresponded with him thereafter ; meanwhile he dedicated himself to Left-wing political and religious propaganda , writing and lecturing in provincial towns .
20 He punished himself through two bouts of his heaviest exercises , until his upper arms ached , his stomach muscles felt cramped , his legs watered , head dizzy .
21 But with his defence protecting him from any direct shots , Prudhoe steadily recovered , and he excelled himself after 69 minutes when Noel Blake powered a header goalwards from only six yards , but the indisputable player of the season somehow threw himself along his line to scramble the ball away .
22 And if he involved himself in military activity , he would simply have been discharging the martial duty expected of him as royal liberator .
23 He stirred himself at last and looked round , to find one even more worn out with weariness than himself .
24 He displaced himself by two miles south .
25 Then he knew where she was — or would be , moments after he committed himself in one direction : behind him .
26 But Frederick Bissett detested walking , and because his Sara 's car was in the garage , and his own car sat outside overnight , he condemned himself to five minutes of scraping the ice from the windscreen and the back window and to revving the engine , blowing grey fumes away down Lilac Gardens .
27 Endowed , as he was , with a compelling creative genius , he drove himself with little regard for his own health and welfare , contributing ( over and above his journalistic duties ) serial novels , literary and political commentaries , and poems to newspapers , and an increasing flow of scholarly articles and essays to monthly and quarterly journals .
28 I caught up with Dr Mawhinney at Deacon 's School , a local comprehensive , where he subjected himself to 45 minutes of questioning from 60 youngsters as part of an in-school mock election .
29 He threw himself with good grace into everything , even this .
30 That perception only added to the urgency with which he threw himself into new international initiatives .
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