Example sentences of "he [vb past] [pos pn] face [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Yes , he got his face mixed up with the spokes of —
2 The water splashed heavily against the glass , and rising to fumble for a towel , he saw his face distorted , the mouth hanging , the heavily-lidded eyes half hidden by glistening weeds of black hair like the surfacing visage of a drowned man .
3 He kept his face pressed to the muck as bullets drilled holes in the wall and door .
4 He kept his face averted while she drew nearer but when she was nearly beside him he turned it to her almost defiantly .
5 He held her face cupped and cradled in his great hand , hard against his cheek , and the beat of his blood passed into her veins and drew her own blood into the same passionate measure .
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