Example sentences of "let his eyes [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Dexter let his eyes wander over the crates on the floor , brimming with files and books , and on to a dusty azalea on the window-sill for which he sensed a twinge of sadness .
2 It brought to his notice the heap of auburn hair and , taking his time , he let his eyes stroll down a pinched but puckish face , breasts which looked firm though on the small side and the rest , as he would guess , in regular working order .
3 He let his eyes travel over Michael 's body .
4 He let his eyes travel over her , openly appraising , as his gaze took in the firm , high breasts , softly moulded by the cashmere of her sweater-dress , then drifted down to the dip of her waist and the womanly curves of her hips and thighs .
5 Then , for a fraction of a second he let his eyes drop to the level of the hall table .
6 Adam did as he was told , making a hurried exit , and Rourke let his eyes skim coldly over Lissa .
7 As Blanche and Russell chatted on about some Woody Allen film , Dexter let his eyes glaze over .
8 That look , like purity itself , seared him and he let his eyes fall before it .
9 He let his eyes slip the other way , towards the little group of waiting people , hunting along the front line until he picked out Harriet Shakespeare .
10 From one dim object to another he let his eyes roam , and he saw them all clearly : the Louis Quinze couch between the long windows , the French glass-fronted cabinet in the corner opposite , the sixteenth-century iron-bound chest standing in the alcove , its lid flat against the wall , held there by a pyramid of logs .
11 He let his eyes roam round the kitchen , seeing it as that pleasant policeman must have seen it , in all its sad decrepitude .
12 He let his eyes roam round his surroundings .
13 He let his eyes roam her face , as though he was assessing her worthiness as a repository for his secrets .
14 Dexter let his eyes play over the clutter designed to bless the pub with a friendly air : two post horns slung like bombs from the ceiling , mock Tudor beams , lines of plates balanced on every available ledge , and a grubby portrait of the Queen hung in dusty splendour above the bar .
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