Example sentences of "crucial question [be] whether " in BNC.

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1 The crucial question is whether the arbitrator 's is a typical authority , or whether the two features picked out above are peculiar to it and perhaps a few others , but are not characteristic of authorities in general .
2 A crucial question is whether Britain 's small information-technology companies will ever grow big .
3 The crucial question is whether it manages to liberate at least as much energy from fusions as was expended in running a particle accelerator to produce that muon in the first place .
4 A crucial question is whether ‘ Thatcherism ’ has a distinctive position on crimes of sexual violence .
5 While the Arts Council may survive as an advisory body , the crucial question is whether it retains a funding role : ‘ The days of the arm 's length principle are gone .
6 So the crucial question is whether , if the basic valuation is produced by an employee of a building society , any failure to exercise due care and skill can constitute maladministration .
7 The crucial question is whether it is appropriate for your Lordships to do so .
8 The second crucial question is whether these results could have been obtained without deception .
9 The appeal to the EAT was based on the issue of whether the Tribunal had relied on a correct statement of the law when it referred to an excerpt from Harvey on Industrial Relations and Employment Law ( based on the EAT decision in Richmond Precision Engineering v Pearce ( [ 1985 ] IRLR 179 ) which stated that ‘ [ t ] he crucial question is whether the terms offered were those which a reasonable employer could offer ’ .
10 But for most states and governments the crucial question was whether Britain would become a committed member of any European organisation .
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