Example sentences of "lie scatter [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The remains of duns , brochs , stone circles , burial chambers and standing stones lie scattered throughout the island .
2 They lie scattered amongst the hills and moorlands and skill using a compass and map is almost as important as skill using a fishing rod .
3 ‘ I have snapped my squeaking baby-trumpet of sedition , ’ he wrote in April 1798 , ‘ and the fragments lie scattered in the lumber-room of penitence .
4 Coffin-plates , elm-chips , bright-headed nails , and shreds of black cloth , lay scattered on the floor ; and the wall behind the counter was ornamented with a lively representation of two mutes in very stiff neckcloths , on duty at a large private door , with a hearse drawn by four black steeds , approaching in the distance .
5 It had been shattered along with the glass tank , the debris of which lay scattered on the carpet .
6 Broken glass lay scattered over the cement floor , along with pieces of brick , broken flowerpots , dead leaves .
7 The black and white wooden pole used as the cordon had been completely shattered ; shreds of wood lay scattered in the rain .
8 Here we were in a restaurant where books on croquet lay scattered around the place .
9 It was apparent as the light grew that the rocks which lay scattered among the trees had at one time been arranged in order .
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