Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv] confined to the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The records of local Labour parties reveal that Labour 's feverish organizational activities were not confined to the national party alone .
2 It was felt that VD was naturally confined to the unwashed , unkempt , and morally barren , and , when occasionally seen in the better class of person , resulted from some supreme temptation that had been put before them , for indulgence in whose pleasures they could hardly be blamed .
3 After an initial post-military phase of contraction , development was apparently confined to the central area in the later first or early second century , followed by settlement in the roadside suburbs during the second and third ; not until the third to fourth century did occupation reach its maximum extent of c. 20 ha ( 50 acres ) , extending north at least to St Andrew 's Church and west along the river , south-east to the Bearley Brook and south-west for up to 600 m ( 2000 ft ) .
4 Any upset was better confined to the Tuscan Villa , where Fru Blicher officiated .
5 Israel 's expectation of the Kingdom was not confined to the political activists and zealots .
6 Held , dismissing the appeal , that the phrase ‘ office or employment ’ in section 16(2) ( c ) of the Act was not confined to the narrow limits of a contract of service but was to be construed in a wider sense as a matter of ordinary language ; and that , accordingly , the provision of services by the appellant as a self-employed accountant was properly described as employment within the ambit of section 16(2) ( c ) ( post , p. 506B–D , E–G ) .
7 Minton 's reputation as a lecturer was not confined to the Royal College .
8 Its dominance was not confined to the academic world ; indeed , it became the intellectual creed of US foreign policy in the late 1940s and 1950s .
9 This increase was exclusively confined to the private sector which recorded a massive 115 per cent increase in the number accommodated .
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