Example sentences of "[vb mod] [adv] [be] denied that [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Since the whole process took only a few seconds for each blank and the woman was working full-time it could not be denied that this woman knew , from her own sensory experience , a great deal about the making of magnets .
2 It ca n't be denied that many players have John Mayall to thank for their career launch …
3 ‘ It ca n't be denied that all this has taken a very long time to come about , but I think that , political wrangling aside , much of the delay has been due to genuine uncertainty about the tax implications of moving money around from one body to another .
4 However , it can not be denied that incompetent side-slipping and sideslipping close to the ground can cause accidents .
5 Notwithstanding the unbridled optimism of many such visions , it can not be denied that one source of the modern idea of progress was this millenarian theology of puritan reformers anxious to transform the world in readiness for Christ 's second
6 When it came to removing southern pauper children in large numbers to northern or Midland factories , it can hardly be denied that this , albeit short-lived , stage of the evolution of the factory labour force not only systematised but bruta-lised child labour .
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