Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] a short period [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Yet it is known that between one third and one half of mentally handicapped people currently resident in mental handicap hospitals should not be in hospital and could be either immediately discharged or discharged after a short period of training .
2 And at whatever time of the year you visit Edinburgh , there are the art galleries and museums — though the priceless and vulnerable collection of Turner water-colours can only be seen for a short period in winter .
3 The New Oxford English Dictionary Project requires a sophisticated and novel computer system to be built and commissioned in a short period of time .
4 We should only consider such cases where there is clear evidence of extreme weather and abnormal falls of snow having occurred over a short period of time .
5 Lord Derby had again become Prime Minister in 1866 to be replaced for a short period by Benjamin Disraeli , but by the end of 1868 Mr. W. E. Gladstone took control of Parliament , and was to remain in control for over five years .
6 Such a clock will wake an individual when a certain stage of the sleep/wake cycle is reached ; if he goes to bed late then that stage will be reached after a shorter period of sleep than usual .
7 They were told that the underlying constipation can not be treated in a short period of time .
8 In the case of keg milds and bitters when fermentation is complete they are conditioned for a short period under gas pressure and are then filtered to remove yeast solids and pasteurised .
9 Where keg milds and bitters are concerned , when fermentation is complete they are conditioned for a short period in tanks under a heavy blanket of carbon dioxide .
10 Because intensive subject assessment is concentrated over a short period of time , many felt that disruption of staff and students was less , in the long run , than under the normal system .
11 This is because the egg can only be fertilised for a short period of time following its release .
12 These definitions enable us to say quite categorically that a household 's expenditure on food is consumption — the food will be eaten within a short period of time and that will be an end of the matter .
13 When he joined the UKAEA in 1956 his first job was in accounts , followed by a short period in commercial .
14 For those seeking to complete only part of the programme an MPhil can be awarded for a shorter period of study .
15 The service flat , however , may be rented for a short period of time and fill the gap between the employee 's arrival in Britain and the completion of the house purchase .
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