Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [pron] majesty 's [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Minister may be surprised to learn that I am not responsible for what is said by Her Majesty 's official Opposition .
2 I am not responsible for what is said by Her Majesty 's official Opposition .
3 However , as I am conscious of the strong feeling that the hon. Lady has registered on behalf of her constituents , I assure her that before a plant can be registered for an incinerator it must comply with the emissions standards enforced by Her Majesty 's industrial pollution inspectorate .
4 But the drinks cabinet the expensive desk chair — ‘ A civil servant 's only assets are the strength of his back and backside ; I am not having my career foreshortened by Her Majesty 's fiscal indifference to spinal problems ’ — and the bits and pieces on the desk were George 's imports .
5 This regressive phenomenon has also been highlighted by Her Majesty 's Chief Inspector of Prisons in a report on Feltham Youth Custody Centre .
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