Example sentences of "be unclear whether [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Polymeric diets containing whole protein are as effective as elemental diets in improving nutrition and are more palatable , but it is unclear whether isocaloric polymeric diets are as successful as elemental diets in inducing remission in acute Crohn 's disease .
2 It is unclear whether aortic valve replacement , for example , should be classified as a need or a benefit .
3 British Telecommunications Plc is looking into offering video-on-demand services , but confusion surrounding the precise definitions of the technology means that it is unclear whether current law would permit it to do so .
4 It is unclear whether these sales will become a yearly feature .
5 It is unclear whether any of the proponents of FMFFV have actually tested the theory that the consumer market really wants it .
6 It is unclear whether any more such circulars will be forthcoming post-April , since the DoH has still not clarified precisely what monitoring it will be carrying out .
7 But it is unclear whether this theory is serious or a misunderstanding .
8 Helicobacter pylori ( H pylori ) raises serum gastrin but it is unclear whether this stimulates increased acid secretion .
9 1990 also had the lowest snow cover ever recorded in the northern hemisphere , although it is unclear whether this was a consequence of the higher temperature , or a factor contributing to it , since the less snow on the ground , the more the planet 's surface heats up .
10 Their counsel , John Mitchell , QC , said that it had yet to be decided whether an appeal would be pursued and it was unclear whether that could be arranged before the meeting at Brockville tonight .
11 It was unclear whether Japanese armed forces would be developed significantly but given the covert encouragement given by General Willoughby and others to Japanese defences — of which the Soviet Union could not have been unaware through intelligence activities — disquiet was bound to increase .
12 It was unclear whether any concessions were made .
13 The British government 's decision to upgrade its Polaris weapons by replacing them with much more powerful Tridents introduced a further tension , since it was unclear whether this or the French deterrent would be included in general East-West agreements .
14 The St Petersburg mayor , Anatoly Sobchak , made an individual request for food aid from the EC on Sept. 16 , and Ivan Silayev , chair of the Interim Economic Council , had asked for between ECU5,000 million and 6,000 million in aid from the EC on Sept. 9 , although it was unclear whether this was on behalf of all the republics or only the Russian Federation .
15 It was unclear whether this was an independent Serbian initiative , or had resulted from an agreement with the JNA .
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