Example sentences of "[be] handed [adv prt] to [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In a statement the W.Midlands Regional Health Authority said they needed vacant possession for the property to be handed over to a private housebuilder for development .
2 Most difficult to resolve in the struggle for jurisdiction over clerks who were charged with crimes was whether they could be tried twice , as clause three of the royal Constitutions of Clarendon ( 1164 ) outlined , first in the king 's court and then in the church court , and whether , if found guilty , they should be handed over to a civil court for the passing of the sentence .
3 This led to doubt as to the effectiveness of the decree , which also ordered the colony 's property to be handed over to a Methodist church , even though much of it had been sold to individual members of the colony , who were not themselves to be subject to specific government action .
4 But peasants also complained when what they called ‘ doctors ’ came out to inspect their cattle and sanitary arrangements , or when two peasants who had murdered their wives had to be handed over to a visiting ‘ social court ’ ( obshchestvennyi sud ) set up by a shefstvo team .
5 Ratepayer democracy … implied less local government , with fewer services to provide since some of them could be handed over to the private sector , to the supposed benefit of consumers and ratepayers alike .
6 In particular , as a first step towards clearing the area , he was suggesting that , as Macmillan had advised , the Cossacks should be handed over to the Soviet authorities , although , as he had made clear to Tolbukhin 's HQ , he could not do this without Gen McCreery 's authorization .
7 By the time Robertson sent his signal from AFHQ [ KP 103 ] on the night of 14/15 May , the decision had been taken in principle that the Cossacks in 5 Corps area should be handed over to the Soviet forces .
8 But , as events had unfolded , what it turned out had not yet been settled was precisely which formations should be handed over to the Soviet authorities .
9 For some of their land to be handed over to the Roman soldiers was a bitter pill to swallow , for it meant the loss of the Colne peninsula and much else , which left them only the Essex marches and lands to the north and the area round modern Chelmsford , which probably became their tribal centre .
10 Under the terms of the new bases agreement Clark Field was to be handed over to the armed forces of the Philippines by Sept. 16 , 1992 , the date which the USA claimed marked the expiry of the current agreement .
11 You 've got I 'll give you twenty minutes and it 's got ta be ready to be handed over to the other group in twenty minutes time .
12 The dispute concerned what proportion of the Fleet should become Ukrainian and what should be handed over to the joint Commonwealth of Independent States ( CIS ) strategic forces .
13 In one area where the troops were being maintained by air droppings , the Corps Commander gave orders that all parachutes were to be handed over to the local Burmese who were in rags .
14 Although he has completed five years , he will continue for another couple of years until the parish is ready to be handed over to the local clergy .
15 At Cluj disposable nappies and baby food will be handed out to a large orphanage
16 Same pitch slightly different pitch of course er sorry slight difference is that you 're saying that these of course will be handed out to a targeted
17 And when , after lunch , she came downstairs in her new outfit , bought from Selfridge 's last week with the money which J. D. O'Connor had paid her for her articles , and with her next two articles in her bag , ready to be handed in to the great man himself before she returned to the rectory to pick up Rose Bailey , whose time off did not begin until four-thirty , both Dr Neil and Matey thought that she looked enchanting .
18 They have to reveal all , and if something goes wrong how are they to know that all that information will not be handed back to the secret police from whom they are trying to escape by seeking asylum ?
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