Example sentences of "[vb -s] permitted or [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 That may occur even though the owner has permitted or consented to the property being taken .
2 It will be seen that Viscount Dilhorne 's speech contains two clear pronouncements , first that it is no longer an ingredient of the offence of theft that the taking should be without the owner 's consent and second , that an appropriation may occur even though the owner has permitted or consented to the property being taken .
3 Later , at p. 289 , he mentioned that in Lord Roskill 's speech in Morris no reference was made to Viscount Dilhorne 's ruling in Lawrence that appropriation might occur even though the owner has permitted or consented to the property being taken , and continued :
4 The crucial statement , apart from what was said at p. 632a , was at p. 632e : ‘ [ Appropriation ] may occur even though the owner has permitted or consented to the property being taken . ’
5 That may occur even though the owner has permitted or consented to the property being taken . ’
6 ‘ Reference was not made to Viscount Dilhorne 's ruling that appropriation may occur even though the owner has permitted or consented to the property being taken .
7 If my submissions are correct , the question finally remains whether your Lordships are bound by the doctrine of precedent to follow and apply the statements in Reg. v. Lawrence [ 1972 ] A.C. 626 , 632 that Parliament , by omitting the words ‘ without the consent of the owner ’ from section 1(1) of the Act of 1968 , has ‘ relieved the prosecution of the burden of establishing that the taking was without the owner 's consent ’ and that ‘ [ appropriation ] may occur even though the owner has permitted or consented to the property being taken . ’
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