Example sentences of "[coord] it [is] [adv] known whether " in BNC.

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1 Only a three-yard stretch of the theatre has been unearthed , and it is not known whether any more will be excavated .
2 Firstly , it is inadvisable to take remedies consisting of mixtures as no homoeopathic provings have been done on mixtures and it is not known whether the effects of these are different from the effects of their individual components .
3 The natural history of AIDS related sclerosing cholangitis has not been clearly documented , and it is not known whether its presence has an independent influence on the prognosis of the affected patient .
4 Few of these have been specifically identified and it is not known whether any single factor is essential for the development of Crohn 's disease .
5 From there she could have travelled to France or Belgium but it is not known whether she boarded a ferry .
6 The police have improved both their procedures and their training , but it is not known whether social attitudes in general have changed greatly .
7 But it is not known whether TCR- β gene rearrangement or expression is required for such a transition , and no information is yet available on a role for TCR- α gene rearrangement or expression .
8 Perforated discs ( bi ) ( fig. 14 ) and the afore-mentioned zong came to designate heaven and earth , but it is not known whether this was their original meaning .
9 North American Indians , Polynesian and Micronesian Pacific islanders , Australian Aborigines , and Asian Indians are usually considered in these terms , but it is not known whether all human populations previously subject to severe ‘ feast and famine ’ conditions have a thrifty genotype .
10 The differential fee for night visits is intended to discourage general practitioners from using deputising services , but it is not known whether it has had this effect .
11 Our solutions containing rice derived glucose polymer promoted the highest water obsorption in the secretory state but it is not known whether increasing the polymer concentration ( but maintaining ORS hypotonicity ) would enhance water absorption by further stimulating active glucose transport or whether water absorption would be jeopardised , even by a moderate increase in osmolality .
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