Example sentences of "[noun prp] for [art] duration [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 During three weeks ' leave in England he resigned his Trinity scholarship and made a conscious decision to return to Spain for the duration of the war .
2 The horizon cleared , and the dark outline of an anchored vessel developed into the clear grey shape of one of 51 Port Squadron 's Ramped Craft Logistic ( RCL ) , which had been attached to 52 Port Squadron for the duration of the exercise .
3 Eyles managed to get his officers to eject his rival , with the result that Franklin stood directly in front of Eyles for the duration of the service .
4 " All men fought ; all men in England had been to India for the duration of the last war , leaving behind them a country of women .
5 Leeds City will get enough revenue from the visitors to Leeds for the duration of the competition .
6 Another source of unwelcome attention came from agency reports of a rumour that the Iraqi president 's family had been packed off to Algeria or Mauritania for the duration of the war .
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