Example sentences of "[pers pn] be simply a question of " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes , it 's simply a question of somewhere safe to go after school while parents are working .
2 But he said figures showed that international traffickers were targeting this country as never before , and ‘ it 's simply a question of time ’ before that fed through to the streets .
3 It 's simply a question of first come first served , so if you 're coming by yourself I should stake your claim now .
4 ‘ Everything 's a rush job , ’ he said suavely , ‘ but it 's simply a question of priorities .
5 So we need , it 's simply a question of pulling in on the reasons for this , if it 's maternity , it 's suspension , it gives us much more understanding than simply globally assuming everybody who 's away is sick .
6 The boat 's on its side in the water and you 're nowhere to be seen but in fact it 's all quite straightforward , neither the boat nor you can sink and it 's simply a question of pulling the boat back upright again and carrying on sailing .
7 It is simply a question of what sort of world we wish to inhabit — one of predictability , or one where the outcome is unknown to us and thus includes an element of self-exploration .
8 We have completed a great deal and the team knows exactly how a thing must be done , so it is simply a question of completing the sequence , designing our record packaging , and also seeing how the market is developing for the video players and monitors .
9 Our bodies already use the muscles required to walk , so it is simply a question of increasing the duration and then the intensity of our walking in order to build up to the fitness level that we require .
10 This is relatively simple , because it is simply a question of working out whether , and if so how , you can accommodate the two conferences .
11 But then he exploded into life again and it was simply a question of when Carr would go down .
12 In this respect , of course , the Palace was no different from any other house of the period : It was simply a question of scale .
13 And if it was just exhausted , it was simply a question of postponing his own ploughing and resting it up for a day or two until it had regained its appetite and its strength .
14 After Pearl Harbor Rhee felt that it was simply a question of time before Korea regained her independence and he could assume power .
15 The case decides nothing new about exclusion of confessions under section 78 : it was simply a question of whether the judge , having correctly identified the relevant breaches of PACE and Code C , had reached an untenable decision with regard to the exercise of his discretion .
16 Then it was simply a question of following step 1 then 2 then 3 etc .
17 He said all the independent surveys agreed there would be some job losses it was simply a question of how many .
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