Example sentences of "[pers pn] be [prep] [adv] arguable [that] " in BNC.

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1 If Soren Kierkegaard vitiated the easy-going philosophical idealism of his day with his heavily personalised challenges to it ; if von Rochau brought in the concept of Realpolitik to Bismarck 's Germany ; and if Karl Barth ushered in ‘ Crisis Theology ’ in Switzerland ; it is at least arguable that Irving Layton fathered ‘ Crisis Poetry ’ in Canada : poetry that demanded a decision , a response ; that cut through the emollient patter and posed a rough demand on the reader or hearer .
2 But such a dimension does help to explain why philosophy can be seen both as a mode of thinking in any discipline , and also a discipline in its own right ; for it is at least arguable that the ‘ questions about questions ’ in every field eventually converge on certain basic questions and concepts which we recognize as the traditional domain and concern of the philosopher .
3 Yet it is at least arguable that different kinds of people are attracted into different kinds of subjects .
4 Although activity patterns themselves do not provide much information about such qualitative goals as the choice open to an individual , or the respect in which they are held , it is at least arguable that improvements in these areas will be reflected in the variety of activities and the extent of the person 's participation in them ; and that if low levels of engagement in meaningful activity are found this reflects a genuine problem whatever other measures may indicate ( Mansell et al. , 1987 ) .
5 Analysis of the exceptions in Taskopruzade/Mecdi is difficult on two grounds , first that one can not , in the period covered by them , be absolutely sure of the status of either the medreses or the kadiliks involved , and second , that neither author is inclined to give the sort of detail that Ata'i gives in , for example , the biography of Molla Bostan , alluded to just above , from which it is at least arguable that Molla Bostan 's re-entering the medrese stream was exceptional .
6 It is at least arguable that this is not the case as the consideration for the allotment of the shares ( which are expressed to be credited as fully paid ) must be the transfer of the shares in the target , because that is the only consideration which the offeror receives under the arrangement ( apart from the merchant bank 's commitment to pay cash to accepting shareholders , but that is cancelled by the offeror 's commensurate obligation to procure accepting shareholders to authorise the offeror to allot the consideration shares to the merchant bank or as it directs , and so no net benefit flows to the offeror ) .
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