Example sentences of "[pers pn] is true to say that the " in BNC.

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1 It is true to say that the only overweight animals are those cared for by humans who take more notice of the time on the clock than of natural feelings of hunger .
2 Yet it is true to say that the nuances of the legal institutions were imperfectly understood : if the epitomator of Gaius knew that there were differences between legacies and trusts , he still did not know that the word fideicommissarius should refer to the beneficiary of a trust and not to the trustee .
3 While it is true to say that the best wine each year is often reserved for vintage wines , non-vintage blends are not necessarily inferior .
4 It is true to say that the cars are largely restricted to three or four models , but my own insistence had been from the outset that no obligation to use the scheme should be imposed on the disabled , nor any obligation to a particular model .
5 It is true to say that the ‘ reforms ’ have been taking place along several different tracks at the same time , and it would be simplistic to suppose that the single element called ‘ case management ’ could or should be expected to ‘ make the difference ’ in isolation from other aspects of the reforms .
6 Program Manager , the default shell for Windows does n't suit everyone 's way of working , and it is true to say that the Windows desktop can become cluttered with myriads of overlapping windows and dialogue boxes .
7 I had not originally intended to make a great issue of the fact , but it is true to say that the pressure groups that study these matters in great detail are incensed at the way in which the orders have been introduced .
8 While it is true to say that the bare infinitive is more frequent in American English — Algeo ( 1988 : 22 ) found that the Brown University Corpus has only 25 per cent usage of to infinitives after help where the Lancaster-Oslo/Bergen Corpus has 73 per cent — this begs the question nevertheless because both the bare and the to infinitives are used on both sides of the Atlantic .
9 Consequently , while it is true to say that the sentence with the to infinitive evokes a realized event , this is only part of the story : it also evokes the dispositions of the support previous to the realization of the happening denoted by the infinitive .
10 It is true to say that the German nightfighter dictated the tactics we were forced to adopt .
11 Its full extent is unclear and although it is true to say that the 1977 Act does not impose a general standard of fairness on contract terms , s3 is capable of applying to many of the terms which will be included in a set of standard terms of trading .
12 Erm I I think it is true to say that the , the cost er reduction which they offered brought the price back within what we regarded as the affordability within our defence programme , er the level of affordability .
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