Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [adj] to assume [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It seems reasonable to assume that there was a change in the dominant ideology within the Conservative party in the mid-1970s .
2 If a variable measured in the course of an experiment settles down with time , to a constant , or a maintained oscillation , it seems reasonable to assume that it is approaching some stable , maintained course that corresponds to an equilibrium or periodic solution
3 It is difficult to accept this interpretation because there is no evidence to imply that the site was ever promoted to the rank of civitas capital , and it seems simplest to assume that it fulfilled some other official function .
4 Jean or Jeannie Symonds was still working in Skinners in 1913 , left the trade for a few years but was readmitted in 1927 , so it seems safe to assume that she spent much of her working life in the printing trade and did not marry .
5 It seems fair to assume that she will attract the attention of a goodly number of our countrymen .
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