Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb past] round the corner [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ My name 's Roy , ’ I said round the corner of the door .
2 I hurried round the corner to where I 'd parked Armstrong and climbed aboard .
3 She peered round the corner of the house .
4 ‘ Stead of that , she went round the corner of the stable , and she hit the corner of the barn and turned the tumbril right over , that did !
5 This morning , inattentive to everything except the rhythmic ruffle of her rake in the fine gravel , and to the notes of the song she was la-la-ing quietly to herself as she worked , she did not notice Nicandra 's arrival , nor see her as she slipped round the corner of the house and pushed her way through the low branches of the Portugal laurels that screened Silly-Willie 's window from inquisitive visitors .
6 He came round the corner of his desk .
7 From among the lemon trees , the solitary figure watched the filmy scrap of white dress that was Shelley Cameron , until it vanished round the corner like a beautiful wood spirit .
8 He glanced round the corner of the altar and watched a German officer who had been hit in the side of the head slump through the curtains and out of a wooden box on to the stone floor .
9 He suggested they meet at a bar he knew round the corner from the Place de Grève .
10 It disappeared round the corner of the house .
11 No , it disappeared round the corner at fifty miles an hour , off to a dawn raid on drug smugglers .
12 He went round the corner of the building shining his lamp but nothing was to be seen .
13 He shivered ; he put the central heating on ‘ constant ’ ; he went round the corner for a bottle of whisky .
14 When he went round the corner to her room and knocked , she would have to pretend that she had been down to the kitchens .
15 She was told to sit tight while he went round the corner to the newsagent , returning with an armful of print .
16 It appeared round the corner with loud threats of speed , but the colt that it startled from among the gorse , which still flickered indistinctly in the raw afternoon , outdistanced it at a canter ( 2 ) .
17 He ran round the corner of the house .
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