Example sentences of "[noun pl] over the past [num] decades " in BNC.

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1 More broadly , the strategy forms a kind of palimpsest of liberal views about the subsidised arts over the past four decades .
2 There has been a significant reduction in the numbers of young people placed in residential settings over the past two decades .
3 He mentioned studies over the past two decades — this is far too short a period to obtain real evidence in such matters .
4 The lack of international controls in the North Pacific Ocean , and the proliferation of the salmon , tuna , billfish , and squid drift-net fleets over the past two decades , has resulted in the development of a North Pacific fishery so huge that during the 6-month season , the 1000 or so vessels involved deploy 35 million km ( 1.9–3.4 million miles ) of netting .
5 Given the substantial changes in the economic , political , and business environment of large firms over the past two decades , a critical factor affecting the relative competitive position of British firms must be the capability of firms to adjust and adapt to major changes in the environments and thereby improve their competitive performance .
6 The so-called ‘ North-South drift ’ and ‘ urban-rural shift ’ have become particularly important issues over the past two decades , because with the slower rate of national population growth these forms of redistribution lead not only to relative decline but to an absolute fall in population numbers for many of the less dynamic areas .
7 It is worth adding at this point , in the context of discussion of the cost burden of the elderly , that according to further calculations by David Thomson ( 1987 ) based on Family Expenditure Survey data , the share of national resources going to the elderly has not risen proportionately with their numbers over the past two decades .
8 On the office walls are the shoes and work tools of those killed in police shootings over the past two decades .
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